Recent content by hiikung

  1. H

    How to create a validation Form overlay on top of a Form before submit?

    Hi, I want to ajax a validation form(2) kind like login form overlay on the present form(1) before the form(1) submit. So my question is: if the validation form(2) fail, how stop the form(1) from proceed submit? I had tried with form.result = false, it still submit with validation. but I...
  2. H

    How to trigger form's element validations before proceed with ajax or js event

    yes. i am using standard Joomla template - Protostar. There is no js error in my console. I just wondering how can I trigger the validation and grab it's result as following: if (Validation result){ proceed with my code rendering the result }
  3. H

    How to trigger form's element validations before proceed with ajax or js event

    I already enable "Ajax validation" but it wont trigger with apply button. Is there any code that we can trigger the element's validation?
  4. H

    How to trigger form's element validations before proceed with ajax or js event

    Hi, I try to create a search form and some js script (x.js created in js folder) with the apply button. So my question is how to trigger the form validation such like notempty or notlessthan. Here by I attach my screen shot. 1. I disable the form submition using the code: form.result =...
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