Fabrik 3.5.2 has the files for googlemap viz new api policy?


New Member
Google changed his policy about APIs for googlemap

the following link shows more information

My question...
Is there an update or do i have to replace all these files in their location?
If there is no update now, when does the Fabrik team plans to insert those updates?
...because i dont feel confortable about resolving my problem this way...

thanks to you Fabrik team, wonderfull work
Not sure what you mean.
This commit is from last year and the code was already included in Fabrik3.5
complement of information on my situation...

we have fabrik 3.5.1 downloaded in september 2016 or october
since the googlemap api policy was in June 2016
and since, there was the 3.5.1 version
i was expecting no problem but i'm wrong

on dev, googlemap works fine, even on test on the same domain
we were about to put this in prod and the same problem occured
the googlemap shows quickly and a grey window says no API key

updating from 3.5.1 to 3.5.2 breaks everything, err 500
manually updated, it breaks when updating plg_fabrik_system_3.5.2.zip
perhaps i should update this one at the end

oh, and we have joomla 3.4.8
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.