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  1. G

    Child element remains checked out when parent edited

    Yes the global checkin from the admin panel works fine, it is when you schedule a task to do this on a regular basis using the Joomla! provided plugin task globalcheckin. See my Joomla report bug report:
  2. G

    Child element remains checked out when parent edited

    This is a low priority/impact issue but thought I should report it. If you edit a parent element that has child elements, when you finish editing and save the parent the child elements remain checked out. On inspection of the #_fabrik_elements table, the checked_out field is set to the user_id...
  3. G

    Fixed Issue with CSV export of list with joined list with a databasejoin element

    Just seen Fabrik 4.5 is out, and it has a fix for CSV exports but it does not have this fix which has to be re-applied. Could this fix be considered for forthcoming release please.
  4. G

    Suggested fix for CSV import of lists with joined tables

    As reported previously (forum id 53614), if I try to import into a list that has a joined table it just doesn't work. However, I have implemented a couple of code fixes/workarounds that allow me to successfully do my imports to both base and joined table(s). The joined table import being...
  5. G

    Solved Display repeat groups in form when Repeat Min is set to zero

    This seems to be a mootoools thing :(. I have to confess not really sure what I am doing here but I tracked this issue down to the t4-bs5-blank template, or rather the T4 framework (Joomlart) on which it sits which has a JS file: ~/plugins/system/t4/themes/base/js/base.js that had some code...
  6. G

    Solved Display repeat groups in form when Repeat Min is set to zero

    I am not sure if this is a Fabrik issue or a template issue. The scenario is that you have a joined table with the repeat group set to display in a form as "list" and "repeat min" set to zero. When you click the add button in a list view to load the form, as expected, the form initially shows...
  7. G

    Incorrect database tidy up when rows containing multi-select databasejoin elements are deleted

    Further to my last previous update, the issue I am seeing with edits on table1 in my example, I find you often get orphaned records in the tablename_repeat_columnName table like I was seeing when deleting a row of table1. As troester says there are known issues in this area that are on the fix...
  8. G

    Incorrect database tidy up when rows containing multi-select databasejoin elements are deleted

    Not sure if it helps, but i have coded a solution to the issue I described in this report. That is to replace this code in public function onDeleteRows($groups) foreach ($group as $row) { $keys = array_merge($keys, explode(GROUPSPLITTER...
  9. G

    Incorrect database tidy up when rows containing multi-select databasejoin elements are deleted

    This bug report is for the situation where you have list with a repeatable join with "Merge rows" or "merge rows and reduce data" and the joined table has a databasejoin element with "render as" set to checkbox with multiple selections allowed and the "Delete joined data" is checked for the main...
  10. G

    Fixed Issue with CSV export of list with joined list with a databasejoin element

    Hi troester, wow that was incredibly quick. Yes you are right, I do not display the databasejoin element in the list view. I can confirm that your code fix solves the issue with the CSV export not completing in this setup. Many thanks for this. I have however, just found another problem with...
  11. G

    Fixed Issue with CSV export of list with joined list with a databasejoin element

    When doing a CSV export of a list with a repeatable join with "Merge rows" or "merge rows and reduce data" and the joined table has a databasejoin element with "render as" set to checkbox with multiple selections allowed. Then the export stalls with the dialog window left open saying Loading...
  12. G

    Fixed Alignment of repeat groups in a list view

    Works for me, many thanks. My thought was that the issue stemmed from the fact that Fabrik displays multiple repeats as an UL whereas when there is a single repeat it is displayed without the UL. I guess Fabrik could always display a repeatable group as an UL irrespective of how many repeats...
  13. G

    Fixed Alignment of repeat groups in a list view

    Hi Achartier, I guess a bit hard to see in the screenshots, but the rows with a single repeat have no left padding in the Role and Name columns. So the text do not left align which is visually unappealing.
  14. G

    Fixed Alignment of repeat groups in a list view

    There is a small cosmetic issue in a list view with a repeating group with "merge" or "merge reduce". When there are multiple repeat groups the elements are displayed in an unordered list, whereas when there is only a single repeat group the elements are simply displayed without an unordered...
  15. G

    CSV Import to Lists with Joins

    Just updated to Fabrik ver4.1 and all is looking good, thanks. However, I am still having to apply a couple of "fixes" to two PHP files after every Fabrik update I make relating to issues with CSV imports into a table that has one or more joins. I appreciate CSV imports to tables with joins...
  16. G

    Fixed Joomla 5.1 and 'Fabrik cannot find files...' error

    Yes, it was an update over the official F4.0
  17. G

    Fixed Joomla 5.1 and 'Fabrik cannot find files...' error

    I just did an update from GIT using the "2. Upload and extract a zip-file" method for the J!5.1 issue and then all admin and front pages show error: An error has occurred. I found I had to delete or rename file: ~/libraries/fabrik/vendor/vendor/autoload.php that got me thinking should the...
  18. G

    Fixed Listing Fabrik Forms in the administrator

    Commenting out line 93 works for me too.
  19. G

    Fixed Listing Fabrik Forms in the administrator

    I have a weird issue on my website in the backend administrator. I have 42 Lists and 43 Forms (one form is an "add user" form which does not have an accompanying list). The issue is that when I go to the list of forms in backend admin there is one more page than needed in the page navigation...
  20. G

    Workaround CSV export missing data when rows contain the same data

    Many thanks, I had forgotten about that setting.