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  1. lcollong

    FixSometime Yesno element throw fatal error is acl protected

    Can't remember. It's pretty old and I had never faced back again this problem. The purpose of the initial form was to create a dedicated registring form to create an account with additionnal data and process. So, yes, the form had the jUser plugin set to create/delete the corresponding users in...
  2. lcollong

    SEF urls

    Thanks for these valuables infos. I'll drive some tests and be back here.
  3. lcollong

    SEF urls

    I've just cloned my site to a ubuntu/nginx server and the problem his similar whereas .htaccess is no longer used. Any chance you find back the rewrite rules you've added to nginx to solve this problem ?
  4. lcollong

    SEF urls

    Good tip. I'll take a look and let y ou know.
  5. lcollong

    Suggestion: Fabrik connection ID1 always J! DB

    On all my site except one the connection id1 is pointing on the J! database. On the specifif one, Fabrik was used only to display a list of equipment from an outside DB with search and pagination. No form nor wiew. Only a link to another site with a precharged url. As far as other connections...
  6. lcollong

    SEF urls

    For the sh404SEF component, I don't remember. But it does not speak to me. In my J4 site, here is the menu setup in the bakend : But the url which display this menu item shows : URL rewriting is on : This site is J4.4.1 with Fabrik 4.0Zeta and PHP...
  7. lcollong

    SEF urls

    In F3, we add a sh404 block in the Fabrik"s parameters. In that place we were able to change the words "list", "form" and "details" in the url's construction. It would be fine to add these 3 parameters in the Fabrik general parameters to let us choose these words. For example we have urls like...
  8. lcollong

    Suggestion: Fabrik connection ID1 always J! DB

    It's a good idea but it should be editable in case. I have at least one app where fabrik's data tables are not in the J! base. Also we should let several base connection available. I do have a couple app with 2 connections active.
  9. lcollong

    Solved Error on installing F4.2

    Yes indeed. Got 4.1 zip and installation is ok. Thanks
  10. lcollong

    Solved Error on installing F4.2

    Download page on the site throw error 500 on the 4.1 link :
  11. lcollong

    Solved Error on installing F4.2

    Hi, Not sure to post to the right place. I got an error while trying to install F4.2 using "upload a zip file" method. Did not try other method as the manifest_class error will probably run in the same situation. My Joomla is 4.4.1 running over PHP 8.1.27 with a Fabrik 4.0-zeta mainly working...
  12. lcollong

    FixSometime Yesno element throw fatal error is acl protected

    Hi @ontarget , Actually, we made it totally differently with the customer. Hence no more need to repair it. But thanks a lot for explainning this here as it will probably appear sometime somewhere again.
  13. lcollong

    We Need Your Input on Updated Payment Plugins

    I vote for the rest API form plugin. Also is some kind of webhook is included ? Most of the payment gateway offers both a return message with data (success/cancel/transactionID...) and a call to a webhook which allow to register the payment data even if the user close the window after having pay...
  14. lcollong

    SEF urls

    With URL rewriting. But if I switch it off, it's the same. Fabrik version is 4.0Zeta
  15. lcollong

    SEF urls

    We are using bootsrap based I guess.
  16. lcollong

    SEF urls

    Hello, Is there a place were the words "details" and "form" could be changed in the way url is build while j! SEF engine is on when displaying the form edit or detail view for a particular row ? Also, I have two sites with menu pointing to fabrik list and SEF on. In one site the url end by the...
  17. lcollong

    Fabrik V4.1 Now Available for Download

    Great ! A show/modify user info menu is missing in order to recall/view what you've filled in while purchasing. I think I made a mistake (using coupon). You may consider taking in account companies (company name in the order form) as most of us and/or our customers are companies. And they will...
  18. lcollong

    js error from list.js if list ajaxified and template = div

    Thank you for testing. in the list.js near the line in error, the value of the tmpl added is the name of the template, not "component". I've checked in js debug mode. The full html page does not contain errors. It is the real page as it should be if no ajax. On the production site on which I had...
  19. lcollong

    js error from list.js if list ajaxified and template = div

    I think tmpl name is the key. I've renamed div directory to "real_div" and then rename my tmpl specific name to "div" And... it works with the right front-end design :) I think you could simulate this in copying the div directory to "my-div" and select this in the list layout (without any...
  20. lcollong

    js error from list.js if list ajaxified and template = div

    I made other test with the original div template. And the are no errors with it. The tmpl i use is a modified one based on the original (F4) template and it seems to not act as expected using ajax. However simple mod.... Just in case you may have an idea, here is the console content ...