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  1. jfquestiaux

    Solved Can't override Fabrik layout

    Thank you, that was it. You need to have fabrik-filters.php AND fabrik-filters-bootstrap in the html folder to be able to do the override.
  2. jfquestiaux

    Solved Can't override Fabrik layout

    Hi, I wish to override some of the Fabrik layouts. It is working fine with files in components > com_fabrik > layouts (like fabrik-icon.php for example). I put them in templates > my_template > html > layouts > com_fabrik and can do an override. But I can't do the same with files in components...
  3. jfquestiaux

    csv export in frontend doesn't do anything

    Is this fixed? I'm using the menu type "Fabrik CSV export" for the first time and it does not seem to work. I have a JS error : "FbList is not defined" Export in the back end or in the front via the "export" dropdown work fine, so it's something with the menu item.
  4. jfquestiaux

    Minimum count of repeat group not taken into account

    @troester There are only a normal fileupload (no ajax, but storage on S3, although I don't think it's related). and a basic field element. However, these groups (there are 2 of them on the form) are joined repeated groups (left join) from other lists. Maybe this has a relation. So to be clear...
  5. jfquestiaux

    Minimum count of repeat group not taken into account

    I tested it with the bootstrap template and I have the same result : 1 group showing on load and no JS error - adding and deleting a second group is causing a JS error.
  6. jfquestiaux

    Moving a very large Fabrik based site

    Also a warning in case you use the encryption feature for some elements (in the "access" section on the elements settings, "encrypt data" set to yes): when you move a site with Akeebackup, as a final step, it will re-create a configuration.php file and during this process it will generate a new...
  7. jfquestiaux

    email address cloaking

    You may want to try the email cloaking plugin from Regularlabs ( It's usually working better than Joomla!'s.
  8. jfquestiaux

    Minimum count of repeat group not taken into account

    Well there is something strange: on load, there is no JS error, nor if you delete the group that is present. However, if you add a second group, then delete it, you get a JS error: jquery.min.js?cbf0d375c9067dc2b3de8435b466c825:2 Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression...
  9. jfquestiaux

    Minimum count of repeat group not taken into account

    Hi, About 2 weeks ago, I updated Fabrik from the latest gitHub and since then I have the following problem: In a form (with tab templates), I have 2 repeatable groups, with "repeat mini" set to 0, as I don't want them showing on load. After the update, I see that now I have 1 group showing...
  10. jfquestiaux

    Can't disable a radio button?

    For that you will need to write a custom JS script. The built-in options won't don what you request.
  11. jfquestiaux

    How to call for connections data

    OK. I solved it with $db = JDatabaseDriver::getInstance( $option );
  12. jfquestiaux

    How to call for connections data

    k. I have another problem now: I need to get data from another database than the default J! one. In a Fabrik context, I would use $dbItem = FabrikWorker::getDbo(false, 2);, but this gives me an 500 error. I guess it's because I need to import or use something, but I don't know what (or how).
  13. jfquestiaux

    Possible plugin conflict between fileupload and consent

    Great to hear it's working. About the grey tabs, I was wondering how you set them up. With a display element? Or directly in the template? (same with the color tabs under the password element).
  14. jfquestiaux

    Possible plugin conflict between fileupload and consent

    Hi. I've tested locally and so far I can't reproduce the issue, that is my AJAX fileupload are working as expected. What are the grey tags in the "Means of verification" box? Also, you have a checkbox with terms and conditions. Is that a checkbox in your form? If yes, you don't actually need it...
  15. jfquestiaux

    Login Redirect

    I think the way to go is to include the menu item ID (&Itemid=) in the link, providing that the form is only accessible to registered members. If not, create a menu item (can be in a hidden menu) pointing to your form, set the access of the menu item to "registered" and set the "row id" to "-1"...
  16. jfquestiaux

    How to call for connections data

    Thanks. I was wondering how you were doing the encryption. "Deprecated" means that for J! 4, it will need to use namespaces, right?
  17. jfquestiaux

    Possible plugin conflict between fileupload and consent

    The plugin is now into the master repo now. Note that it's still somewhat a work in progress and some issues remain with Yootheme Pro templates.
  18. jfquestiaux

    Method of conditionally hiding element in list view

    You can try $row=$listModel->get('rowid'); ?
  19. jfquestiaux

    autocheck if the user name already exists ?

    You can use the validation "userexists" and enable the AJAX validation in your form.
  20. jfquestiaux

    New List Doesn't Show Site Database Tables

    Unfortunately, no. At this point, it's a Fabrik limitation: you can't join data tables belonging to different databases. I guess a solution would be to put a replication process in place that would sync the concerned tables between the 2 databases, but i never tried to implement this.