PHP 8.3
joomla 5.1.0
hi, acording TO the instrutions on https://fabrikar.com/forums/index.php?wiki/installation-instructions/
im installing a fresh installation of Fabrik 4.1 on Joomla 5.1.0 and i get this error
JInstaller::Install: Can't find XML setup file.
JInstaller::Install: Error SQL Table 'XXXXX_joom306.jos4c_fabrik_connections' doesn't exist
Extension installation stopped.
Package Install: There was an error installing an extension: com_fabrik_4.1.zip
I also uploaded the file and extracted the file with the same results... any ideas?
im seeing that the plugins are installed the component is installed, but this is the error that i get
Table 'XXXXXXX_joom306.jos4c_fabrik_lists' doesn't exist
ITs like the installation was half done...
joomla 5.1.0
hi, acording TO the instrutions on https://fabrikar.com/forums/index.php?wiki/installation-instructions/
im installing a fresh installation of Fabrik 4.1 on Joomla 5.1.0 and i get this error
JInstaller::Install: Can't find XML setup file.
JInstaller::Install: Error SQL Table 'XXXXX_joom306.jos4c_fabrik_connections' doesn't exist
Extension installation stopped.
Package Install: There was an error installing an extension: com_fabrik_4.1.zip
I also uploaded the file and extracted the file with the same results... any ideas?
im seeing that the plugins are installed the component is installed, but this is the error that i get
Table 'XXXXXXX_joom306.jos4c_fabrik_lists' doesn't exist
ITs like the installation was half done...
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