Different colour for different event


New Member
Hello, i see in the options that you can set a different background color for each event type.
Is possibile to set a placeholder in the event color?
I would like to set a color in the event (like a field of type "colour picker") and the use that color in the single event background in calendar
You can define the status element in the data source tab. This will create a css-class, which you can then use in a custom.css to customize the background-color
Thanks for the reply, i did it but this does not solve the problem... with this trick i have elements with class like "background-color-100-0-0" so i can set a rule like:

.background-color-100-0-0 {

but this have to be done manually for each combination, there are hundreds of possible combinations. I can't use a javascript too because the calendar is a javascript itself and the <script> can't target the events even if loaded after page load...

maybe is there a way to reduce the colour picker to 10/15 colours? So I can manually set the CSS rules?

Not sure, why you need the color picker. Just create a dropdown element (as an example) and define 10 values. Use this dropdown element as status element and you will only have 10 different classes
You are right indeed! I was focusing on the colour picker because i needed a colour, but a dropdown will work too. Thanks!