List of Problems


New Member
I have latest Github download 9/3/2011 12:23am Eastern time

1. Can't select existing table when creating New List
2. On save of new element 500 Error with return to control panel but element is saved and present
3. Can't edit element gives blank page
4. View data from Fabrik->Forms 500 Error with return to control panel
5. Fabrik Lists-->view data-->export returns Firefox can't find the file at

thats all for now I'll try to find more

Thanks again for all the work you guys do
1 I can't replicate. I've asked questions in the other thread you created regarding this issue, probably best to keep the discussion there for now.
2 think i fixed that today
3 cant replicate - if you have a blank page then please follow the steps here to turn on error reporting and report the error
4 Can't replicate now, try updating to see if its still there
5 Cant' replicate either - can you check you have this file :

My 0.02c worth ...

1) I've re-asked a question about the table list issue on the other thread.

2) This one is fixed for me as of a change Rob committed last night.

3) Most likely a memory_limit issue. What is you PHP memory limit set to?

4) Can't duplicate, works for me. BTW, do you have J! debug enabled? I've found a couple of places where enabling J! debug actually causes "error 500", due to some bizarre bug in the J! debug logging code.

5) I don't get that error, but CSV export only works on two of my tables, and fails on one of them (just says "Loading 0 records saving to" and hangs up).

-- hugh
Hugh for 5 - is there any js error or anything different about that list which might cause it to hang up?
Nope. Dead trivial. Half a dozen elements - radio, field, link, checkbox and a couple of joins to different tables. No table joins, no repeat elements, yada yada. Only two rows so far. One simple element filter on the field (but "inc filters" setting makes no difference on the export).

-- hugh
At what point does it say "Can't find the file"?

Does it actually attempt to do the export, i.e. the record count increases, and you get a download link? Then you get that error when clicking on the link?

Can you check to see if your ./logs folder, at the top level of your J! homedir, is writeable (777). Then try the export again. See if a) you can download this time, and b) see if you get a "error.php" file in ./logs, and if so, does it contain the error "empty password not allowed"?

I tried the same table I had no problems with yesterday, and found today I was unable to download it, because J! was attempting to log an error, but couldn't because my ./logs was not writeable. I think this may only happen if J!'s global 'debug system?' is set to Yes, but worth a shot.

I'm not sure what that error ("empty password not allowed") is all about though.


-- hugh
At what point does it say "Can't find the file"?

Does it actually attempt to do the export, i.e. the record count increases, and you get a download link? Then you get that error when clicking on the link?

Can you check to see if your ./logs folder, at the top level of your J! homedir, is writeable (777). Then try the export again. See if a) you can download this time, and b) see if you get a "error.php" file in ./logs, and if so, does it contain the error "empty password not allowed"?

I tried the same table I had no problems with yesterday, and found today I was unable to download it, because J! was attempting to log an error, but couldn't because my ./logs was not writeable. I think this may only happen if J!'s global 'debug system?' is set to Yes, but worth a shot.

I'm not sure what that error ("empty password not allowed") is all about though.


-- hugh
Changed log permissions to 777 they were set at 755 . I do not have Joomla bug enabled( DO NOT). I tried to export same deal.
Looks like it is exporting(maybe counting only had one row) then give the link to download.
Click the download link page goes to

File not found

Firefox can't find the file at

Checked Log File The Below xxx's are my IP
2011-09-14 01:13:45 INFO Joomla FAILURE: Invalid password
can you PM me an ftp account and details of the URL which is experiencing the issue

I was perhaps a caching issue on your browser? I tried to download the locations data and it worked to a greater extent that you suggested.
For me the file is generated in your tmp folder, but as its 7mb our current code for triggering the download is running out of memory, I'm looking at alternatives to stop this issue from happening now... more news when I have it

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