Hide element and title with drowpodown in a form & form details view


I'm testing to use a dropdown.. to include or not includes dishes images in the form when user create the menu.

1.- i have created a dropdown with 2 values yes or not, predetermined in NO value "0" yes value "1"

when i load... using javascript... like this
this is ok --> when you open the form.. show this..

1.- The drowpdown predetermined in NO (OK) , the element hide (OK), BUT the title si SHOWN (should be hide also)
Not possible hide the title too?
Maybe is because is a element inside of repeteable group ??
how to do it?
I would like all element dissapears..(title and element) and description element move to the left near to the Nº

The javascript for that.. show the element on "change"...
If i set dropdown as YES .. element image appears is (OK)

2.- Doubt..

I would like.. that once we save.. if the dropdown is NO = 1.. dont see in Form details view the selector element and the image element.. .. just hide both elements... only in form details view.. if i reopen the form.. i should see the elements in case the dropdown is YES..

So for that i have to create a php code on afterprocess ??
How to say in the code this hide elements only in the form details view??

thanks in advance!

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As I remember, in repeat group displayed as table you need a custom javascript to hide also the header. Something like this should work:

var my_dropdown_value = this.form.formElements.get('tablename___dropdown_element');

if(my_dropdown_value === 0) {
} else {

Add the code to your dropdown element javascript and both, to load and change events. And of course change the table and element names to match yours.
before to try the code.. i try this.. and is working too.. i create 3 events in javascript,

1 event load for value dropdown 0,
1 event change for value dropdown 1
1 event change for value dropdown, 2.

as shown here

so when i load.. the dropdown and element appears.. when i change to no -> dissapear , when i change to yes --> appear

seems is working well.

the trouble is the header... i have check in the group and try all the options..

Captura de pantalla (6).png

Which option should be.. if when dropdown in form is 1 = NO --> the element selected dissapear --> and dissapears also the header (title element)

I have try all the options.. but the header don´t dissapear same time the element dissapear when you change the dropdown.. ( so maybe is not the way)

OR i have to use code.. to hide everything element and title ?????
OR maybe is the Repeteable, don´t allow hide the title, i see other posts, if element is not inside a repeteable.. hide the element and title

Understanding that if the header and element dissapear --> when i save the form --> will not appear in the form details view
You seemed to have reached to a conclusion already in your first post that the built in element javascript actions do not work in this case :). And in your last post you have a screenshot from the whole group visibility settings which doesn't help in showing/hiding individual elements.

Did you try something based on my sample code?
I'm trying with this..

--> dropdown element is: (out of repeteable group):

--> Fileuoload element ( upload image, inside repeteable group):

the code following your instructions... (in this case i only show/hide the fileupload element.)

var my_dropdown_value = this.form.formElements.get('menu_dia_entrantes___image_dish_selector');

if (my_dropdown_value === 0) {

else if (my_dropdown_value === 1) {

else {


if dropdown ( menu_dia_entrantes___image_dish_selector) = 0 --> show image element
if dropdown =1 --> (NO) hide image element
if dropdown =2 -- (YES) show image element


no error appears , seems is ok, but the element don´t do nothing, when i change the dropdown options

In javascript plugin, I created same code for LOAD event & for CHANGE event

Maybe there is something wrong in the code.. not sure.

Any suggestion?

Thanks in advance!

OK , did a quick test and this is what works for me. I forgot ".getValue();" and you need to address the repeat group class like "contains" as the repeat elements have _0, _1 etc at the end of the class. Be sure to find the right class name as mine start with fb_el_. I didn't see that in your last post. Also for some reason the dropdown value needs to be inside quotes like "0" not 0.

var my_dropdown_value = this.form.formElements.get('tablename___dropdown_element').getValue();

if(my_dropdown_value === "0") {
} else {
Your code Works!!!! BRAVISIMO!!!
OK , did a quick test and this is what works for me. I forgot ".getValue();" and you need to address the repeat group class like "contains" as the repeat elements have _0, _1 etc at the end of the class. Be sure to find the right class name as mine start with fb_el_. I didn't see that in your last post. Also for some reason the dropdown value needs to be inside quotes like "0" not 0.

var my_dropdown_value = this.form.formElements.get('tablename___dropdown_element').getValue();

if(my_dropdown_value === "0") {
} else {

My definitive Code. !!!

Added this code in javascript as LOAD event , and as CHANGE event....

var my_dropdown_value = this.form.formElements.get('menu_dia_entrantes___image_dish_selector').getValue();

if(my_dropdown_value === "0") {

else if (my_dropdown_value === "1") {

else {


now I'm gonna try to add more elements ( i have 7 more) :))) )

Many thanks!!
