Recent content by jh

  1. J

    Calc where text with character problem

    Hi Thank you for the reply. I am using: $myDb = JFactory::getDbo(); $myQuery = $myDb->getQuery(true); $myQuery->select('GROUP_CONCAT(id)')->from('pat_table')->where('pat_name = "{pat_table___pat_name}"'); $myDb->setQuery($myQuery); return $myDb->loadResult(); so using "{pat_table___pat_name}"...
  2. J

    Calc where text with character problem

    Hi Im using a calc to select values using a where statement to compare text values. This is working correctly other than when the text values contain characters (like & and '). Ive tried a few attempts to remove these characters from the statment however I can not solve the problem correctly...
  3. J

    Calc instead of element jscript to hide/show

    Hi Sorry if this is a basic question but I wanted to know if it makes sense to show/hide elements using calc (so it shows based on the value of another element, or shows nothing instead). This seems to work better than element javascript as it doesnt go throught the hide/show process. I have...
  4. J

    Image upload and thumbnails

    Hi and Seasons Greetings! I am using a file upload element for images, and have set it to create thumbs. This is all working fine. The main images are c.100kb and the thumbnail images are c.40kb. The thumbnails are used in list view, and in details view. In details view the thumbnail is...
  5. J

    PHP list count

    Hi I want to use php to insert a count of records from a list with a 'where' statement using a value from this list. I have done this in calc but I want to use php to store the values. I can do this fine when the count is using data from another table however I keep running into problems when...
  6. J

    Custom form validation message

    Hi Ive been doing some more work on this and have edited the default_group.php to show an individual element like this (working when labels to the side is selected): <?php defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); $rowStarted = false; $layout =...
  7. J

    PHP onlist load concat

    Hi Sorry to bother you again but I wanted to do a similar PHP but with the IDs coming from a repeat group. I have got the IDs using the following (so eg 2,5,11) is returned, working correctly: $myDb = JFactory::getDbo(); $myQuery = $myDb->getQuery(true); $myQuery->update('pattern_table as d')...
  8. J

    PHP onlist load concat

    Thank you very much, works perfectly.
  9. J

    PHP onlist load concat

    Hi I have been testing a search/filter field which is created by concat, using the php plugin onload. The fields are a regular text field ('factory_name') and a database join field ('country_retest'). The following code is sort of working: $myDb = JFactory::getDbo(); $myQuery =...
  10. J

    Custom form validation message

    Hi Thank you very much for your reply and suggestion, I have compared both the 'bootstrap' template that works and my custom template and it seems like it is all related to the container not updating with the error classes, as you correctly established. I have made various changes, however I...
  11. J

    Content plugin behaviour

    Hi Thank you for your reply. The plugin is in the footer of a details template and seems to display correctly at first. I have tested again with a 'test' list with only a few very basic elements and it seems to be working fine (that is, the navigation is correct). So I think that the problem...
  12. J

    Custom form validation message

    Hi Im using some custom form templates which all seem to be working fine, however I have realised the error message that appears if a required field is not filled in is no longer showing. I guess this is something to do with the customising I have done but I cant work out how to get this...
  13. J

    Content plugin behaviour

    Hi Ive got a content plugin (for a list) on a details page and it all looks fine at first. However I have noticed a few problems: -when trying to naviate to the next page of the list (via next or a number button) it looks like it is loading but freezes. -if 'end' is chosen it shows the last...
  14. J

    Edit field link

    Thank you, seems to be working great now. I have now added '&tmpl=component' to the URL as per the wiki. I have one further issue regarding the form. As it is a customised template over ride of an existing form (eg with '&layout=new11' added to the URL) it is picking up the custom fabrik js...
  15. J

    Edit field link

    Thank you, have got it working great (had to add &iframe=1 to the end of the form url as there seemed to be a CSS or similar issue). My only problem now is that the form should be open to registered users only, requiring a log in before access. Currently it would just show the standard no...
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