Recent content by manuchao75

  1. M

    Date field doesn't work in a repeated group.

    Hi! I've created a repeated group in a form. In this group I've got a date field. In the first row, the calendar plugin works correctly. When I add a new row, the calendar plugin doesn't work for the new row: I select a date in the calendar but this doesnt' close and the date will not...
  2. M

    Problem with labels of fabrik objects

    Hi! I've jus updated my joomla installation with the github repository. I've got this problem (as you can see in the attachment): almost all the labels in fabrik are not substituted by their description. What can I do? Thank You. Manuela
  3. M

    Don't want to view validation message under the field.

    Hi. What can I do to not see when a Validation fails the error message under the field that causes the error? I just would like to see the "Validation failed" string at the the top and the field that causes the problem highligted. I don't want to see the string "Validation failed"...
  4. M

    Problem with labels of fabrik objects

    Hi! I've jus updated my joomla installation with the github repository. I've got this problem (as you can see in the attachment): almost all the labels in fabrik are not substituted by their description. What can I do? Thank You. Manuela
  5. M

    Date field doesn't work in a repeated group.

    Hi! I've created a repeated group in a form. In this group I've got a date field. In the first row, the calendar plugin works correctly. When I add a new row, the calendar plugin doesn't work for the new row: I select a date in the calendar but this doesnt' close and the date will not...
  6. M

    After validation error the cascading dropdown field lose the selection made

    Hi. I've just downloaded the last zip file from github, but the problem is not solved. Do you know when (more or less) this would be done? Thank You. Manuela
  7. M

    Show hide group from a script javascript, not from the tab.

    Hi. I need to hide/show a form group from a script javascript, not using the tab. The problem is that I evaluate some variables from the script and then I decide to hide or show the group? Is it possible to do this? How? Thank You. Manuela
  8. M

    Setting value of a dropdown from Javascript

    Sorry. I didn't explain the problem in the right way. I'd like to all the values that someone can choose in the drop down dinamically, without using the cascading dropdown. Example: if I choose A in another field, I'd like to see 1,2,3 in the dropdown; if I choose B, I'd like to see 2,4,5...
  9. M

    Setting value of a dropdown from Javascript

    Hi! Can anybody help me please?
  10. M

    Setting value of a dropdown from Javascript

    Hi! I've got a 7.js (7 is number of form) script where I want to add a value/some values to a dropdown. I've tried with this 3 solution but it doesn't work: 1. form_7.formElements.get('me_save_0001_prog_educ___me_save_0001_tipo_pagamento').update('newvalue'); 2...
  11. M

    cascading dropdown

    I'm sorry but I don't understand what I have to do.
  12. M

    cascading dropdown

    Is there anybody that can help me? Thnk You. Manuela
  13. M

    cascading dropdown

    Hi! I've got two db tables. table1 (id1, desc1, id12) table2 (id2, desc2, id12) I've got a database join on table1 with value id1 and label desc1. I'd like to have a cascadingdropdown on table2 with value id2 and label desc2. The problem is that I want to see in the cascadingDD...
  14. M

    Placeholder form name

    Thank You. It's working. For me it's ok the form id too.
  15. M

    Placeholder form name

    Sorry. I didn't explain me correctly. I need to know the placeholder (if it exists) of the 'name' of the form I submit, not the id. Example: I creat a form 'testform'. When I submit an instance of that form, I want to know its name. Why this? Because when any kind of form is submitted, I...