Recent content by twscott

  1. T

    Lists -- Could not connect to MySQL server

    Thanks, Hugh Fixed, when set it to default. Thanks again.
  2. T

    Lists -- Could not connect to MySQL server

    Hi, My fabrik act strangely today that all my list shows "Could not connect to MySQL server". The connection test is ok, Form and elements are all fine, only the List. Could anyone tell me what's wrong with it?
  3. T

    runtime sql query as the datasouce for List

    Hi, I am showing the data in a list which is order by distance of of data and user current position. The sql command is like SELECT, c.last_online,, c.lng, ( 6371 * acos( cos( radians(user_lat) ) * cos( radians( ) ) * cos( radians( c.lng ) - radians(-user_lng) ) + sin(...
  4. T

    "We are unable to find this record" error

    Yes, It works. Thanks!!!!
  5. T

    "We are unable to find this record" error

    Hi, Whenever I put in the pre-filter, the list result is correct, but when I click the edit icon, there is no data in the form view, and it shows the message: ta in the form view. Any help would be much appreciated Best regards
  6. T

    Field default eval data

    Woop, It should be $formModel->updateFormData('igc8d_uj_meeting___comp_id', JFactory::getSession()->get('compID'), true); And the problem is solved. Thanks all. Best regards
  7. T

    Field default eval data

    Got it, Thanks. So I turn to 'form php plugin' for writing the default data before submission. Following is the code: $formModel->data['igc8d_uj_meeting___comp_id']=JFactory::getSession()->get('compID'); return true; But the comp_id couldn't write into DB. Is there anything wrong with the...
  8. T

    Field default eval data

    Hi, I put an additional placeholder:{$my->id}, and I can see the id shown correctly. The code is as following: ======================================================== require_once JPATH_LIBRARIES . '/ujoin/helpers/meetinghelper.php'; //$meeting_id =...
  9. T

    Field default eval data

    Hi, I want this field to get data from the other fields, so I set EVAL to yes, and put the following code: var_dump($data['igc8d_uj_issue___meeting_id']); var_dump('{igc8d_uj_issue___meeting_id}'); exit; ======================================================== The result is like...
  10. T

    Bootstrap class in form template

    Thanks Hugh. As I know, I am just using joomla 3.5 default bootstrap, so it is Bootstrap v2.3.2. And I am now trying to upgrade it to bootstrap3. My problem haven't solved yet, still finding if I something is wrong to my upgrade. Some of the module I installed before they use bootstrap3...
  11. T

    Bootstrap class in form template

    I see, Thanks Here is a link to github that upgrade Bootstrap v2.3.2 which is from joomla 3.5 to Bootstrap v2.3.2. Best regards
  12. T

    Bootstrap class in form template

    Hi, I put the following code into the form template -- default_group.php ---------------------------------------------------------------- <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-4 col-sm-4 col-md-4 col-lg-4?> image </div> <div class="col-xs-4 col-sm-4 col-md-4 col-lg-4?> image </div> <div...
  13. T

    A very strange error

    Hi, This never happened before that the Fabrik list works fine in my developing site, but when in the real site, when I click on 'view data' in the back end, and when I click on the 'save' button, the browser shows "this site not sending any data, ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE' The screenshot is in the...
  14. T

    The List icons changed

    It works. Thank you very much, Treoester.
  15. T

    The List icons changed

    Thanks, Toester. Here is the test site front end link: And the test site back end acc/pwd -- scott/111111 Thanks again for your help Best regards