Scheduled mail based on users' last visit date


New Member
Hi all.
I searched in the community forum, but all the code found seems to be like mine...
I want to send an email to the user just 30 days before their profiles expire.
My workflow consider expiration time based on last visit date. So my users simply must log-in before lastVisitTime + 365 days to mantain their profiles activated.
I want to send an email 30 days before the expiration.
1. New scheduled;
2. Connection on previously imported user table;
3. Email plugin.
Mi php condition (for the moment in just +1 day to comfortly test the code):

$ultimavisita = $row->dz8v4_users___lastvisitDate;
$checkdate = date('Y-m-d');
$ultimavisita = strtotime($ultimavisita);
$checkdate = strtotime($checkdate);
$ultimavisita = date('Y-m-d', $ultimavisita);
$checkdate = date('Y-m-d', $checkdate);
$ultimavisita = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($ultimavisita . " + 1 days"));
//in production must be +335 days
return $ultimavisita == $checkdate;

Tried using cron execution tool... and the results returned are always false.
I expect it to be true for at least three of my users (logged yesterday as checked on the DB).
I'm sure my code is good...
I'm just not sure about the dates collected at the beginning
$ultimavisita = $row->dz8v4_users___lastvisitDate

How can I print my viariables in condition field?
Any idea about what is wrong in my code?

Thanks in advance.
Using fabrik debug
and echoing my vars in the php condition I'm now sure that the problem is
that seems to be null...
$ultimavisita: 1970-01-02
$checkdate: 2020-03-27
Thanks a lot Troester... and sorry for my late, but I didn't think to have a rapid response due to the exceptional moment we're living...
I'm back in Joomla after years... so sorry if I was confused about the $row nature.
The simplest solution is definitely to use the placeholders.
This is a test code: so to let it works I had to use a different time interval of 1day.
Just change the time in last $ultimavisita to obtain the alert at the needed day:

$ultimavisita = '{dz8v4_users___lastvisitDate_raw}';
$checkdate = date('Y-m-d');
$ultimavisita = strtotime($ultimavisita);
$checkdate = strtotime($checkdate);
$ultimavisita = date('Y-m-d', $ultimavisita);
$checkdate = date('Y-m-d', $checkdate);
$ultimavisita = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($ultimavisita . " + 1 days"));
return $ultimavisita == $checkdate;
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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