Search results

  1. altnetwork

    Saving Changes from one Table (List) to different Table (List)

    I am looking to be able to do the following. Table (List) A - List of records that are viewed by the end user, but edited by me. I would like to have the end user be able to submit changes to a record from List A. I would like those changes to be saved to a different List. I would then review...
  2. altnetwork

    Hide Element in Form Based on Class

    In an element under the "List View Setting / Filters" there is an option for class. In this option there are options like: Visible Visible Phone Visible Tablet Visible Desktop Hidden Phone Hidden Tablet Hidden Desktop What I am looking for is to have an element in a form to be hidden for...
  3. altnetwork

    googlemap pluging Element - Change Request

    I found that if I do the following: (googlemap plug-in element) 1. Replace the information in the , googlemap plug-in (Default location tab), [Default lat] field with the element that has the Latitude - {new_jersey_cemetery___latitude}. 2. Replace the information in the, googlemap plug-in...
  4. altnetwork

    Question on Edit Forms

    What I am looking for I am not sure how to do it possible. I have a list that I would like to have outside user be able to make changes after I have reviewed the changes to approve or not approve. Example: A list that has the following elements. Name: John Doe Street: 123 any street City...
  5. altnetwork

    Detail View _blank

    Is there a way to set the view option for a list to open a new window/tab (_blank) in place of the same window? I have a list that opens a custom page that I would like to have open in it's own window/tab. Thanks
  6. altnetwork

    Element: Is Email validation - Plugin

    I am having issue with the "condition" part of the plugin. This is what I am using. Can you please let me know what I am doing incorrectly for this not to work? Condition - A PHP expression which if returns false, means that the validation is not run. <?php if...
  7. altnetwork

    Element: date - Issues

    I have an element using the date plugin. 1. under the Date Format Tab I have "Default to current date" set to yes. When I create a new record the date shows and is saved. When viewing the record I see the date. 2. I want to have the date update every time I edit the record. So, I set "Always...
  8. altnetwork

    Element Plugin - googlemap

    Is there a reason the plugin is rounding the last number when it is larger than 5 or ends in 0? Screen shots
  9. altnetwork

    Fabirk: new visualization - Issues

    1. When creating a new visualization I am having issues with the Introduction editor windows will not resize horizontally. Due to this I am unable to view the options at the right unless I hit the [Toggle Editor] to turn it off. It will resize vertically. 2. Plug-in - Googlemap - Screen shot...
  10. altnetwork

    Counting Records from Multiple Lists

    I would like to display a total count from multiple lists. I have three lists: List A: 100 records List B: 200 records List C: 300 records Each list has the same field(element) called yes/no. I would like to get a total count of yes's from all three lists and display the total number of...
  11. altnetwork

    Calendar Element in Form

    I am having issues with the calendar element is forms that started about a week ago. The you click on the calendar view icon to pick a date the form saves and closes. I then downloaded the updates from GitHub and still have the issue. This is what I have found so far. 1. It happens in the...
  12. altnetwork

    Update_col List Plugin request and issues

    Request: In the Update_col List plugin and you add under the email notification an email from field? Issue: Email notification is not working in the update_col plugin. Tried the email address dropdown and the Or Email To. Not getting any error but also not getting the email. Thanks
  13. altnetwork

    List Plugin Description for Header Not Saving

    When adding the description in the List Plugin Description Field it will not save it. If I do more the one it will not let me enter any text in the field.
  14. altnetwork

    List Plug-ins (email) option request

    Would like to know if you can add the option for the list email plugin under the E-mail table where you can add a Email from and Reply to like the Form Plugin Email? Attaching the screen shots of the form email plugin and the list email plugin.
  15. altnetwork

    Issues with Prefilters for Lists not working

    I have a prefilter for the list to filter records for each user. The following was added under edit List / Data / Pre-filter. - Where UserID Equals {$my->id} - Type (Text) - Apply to (Registered) When I goto the list it is not filtering. If I added the same under the menu item link /...
  16. altnetwork

    List view Options Rendering off the Screen

    When using the option for dropdown for the list view the window is rendering off the screen. Can you change it to render in like the line option rendering for the drop down? Attaching screen of what this looks like.
  17. altnetwork

    Fabrik List - Update Column Plugin - Update Request

    In the past versions of the Update Column Plugin you had an option for button location. Can you put this back into Version 3.X please... The current option make the List view to wide and would love the option again to have the buttons at the bottom. Thank You! Options: Button location Bottom /...
  18. altnetwork

    Fabrik List - Update Column - Update Request

    In the past versions of the Update Column you had an option for button location. Can you put this back into Version 3.X please... The current option make the List view to wide and would love the option again to have the buttons at the bottom. Thank You! Button location BottomPer rowBoth
  19. altnetwork

    Adding additional Element to a List (3.1 rc2)

    FYI, When adding additional elements to a list after the initial list of elements creates an addition element of itself. I believe that this only happens after data had been added and then when you add additional elements is when it creates a second one of itself. I hope this makes sense. Thanks
  20. altnetwork

    Fabrik Form - Twitter - 3.0.9

    The Twitter form plugin on the 11/13/13 update stopped pulling the Tweet Template elements. It did work on the last update.
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