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  1. S

    Using onAfterProcess brings back a link with date and not date

    Hi, I am making up the body of an email which has a lot of conditions. So I am using onAfterProcess so I can assess the form answers and depending on some of them, send different email bodies. One field is a date field if($formData[app___date_time]){$body .= "Date of the form is " ...
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    Adding an elements validation tot he main form validation message

    Hi. I have a form I cannot seem to get the individual elements to show if not filled in above each ot them if then submit is hit and nothing or some not filled in. But the form error message does show. Ideally I would like to list in that message...
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    Show unique records in list view with grouped items

    Hi Im sure its a simple thing and done all the time but I cannot get the right settings and so far forum searches have not yielded the answer so I hope someone can point me in the correct direction. I have a form which has a repeatable group in it. Its a booking forms and the majority on the...
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    functions in a calc element

    I have made a calc element with several ajax watch elements and because there are several common areas of code I made some into functions in the calc element nd passed the watch elements to the function. All works beautifully doing the calculation and displaying the result...until I save, at...
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    Since upgrading to 3.4.3 syntax error, unexpected '{' in calc elements

    Hi, We upgraded to 3.4.3 and joomla 3.5.1 and php 7 and since then calculation elements that were workign find bring back a Error: 0 syntax error, unexpected '{' We have not changed the syntax and I can guarantee its the calc element as I have gone into a calc element, removed the login and...
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    AJAX calculation watch elements does not work on radio button groups

    I have an AJAX calc element set to watch a radio button element and the calculation works correctly. However, when I change the radio button to display as a button group, it no longer triggers the AJAX calculation when changing the radio buttons. Any idea why this might be happening? I assume...
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    Accessing Joomla User Groups with Placeholders

    With the new ACL in J25, a user can now have many groups. Looking at the $user object, these groups are available in $user->groups so I expected to be able to access them with placeholders using the following: {$my->groups} However, this returns nothing and this is the reason why (parent.php...
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    JUser: :_load: Unable to load user with ID: 1

    I am using the Joomla User form plugin to create a user and log them in when someone completes a form. This works great unless they do not pass the validation in which case I get this error after the page reloads: In juser.php at around line 210, for some reason this returns 1: $userid =...
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    JavaScript event when clicking Next on multi-page forms

    I have tried very hard to get my own JS code running when the next button is clicked but so far I have failed. Based on this page: I have created a file called form_X.js with the following code...
  10. S

    Is there any way to disable SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS?

    OK, this is a strange one. I have list which has been growing and growing and now it times out when trying to view it, this is the query: SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT `fabrik_matches`.`id` AS `fabrik_matches___id` , `fabrik_matches`.`id` AS `fabrik_matches___id_raw` ...
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    CDD only triggers JS change code on first change

    I have a CDD watching a database join. I have added alert('test') as a JavaScript change event to the CDD. When I load the page, I see the CDD check the database join value and then I get the test alert. However when I change the database join, the CDD refreshes but I dont get the alert. I have...
  12. S

    Display error message on the page

    I have noticed that when I have a form that does not submit via AJAX, the error message is displayed below the element after the page reloads. However, when the page does get submitted via AJAX (eg. with the content plugin), the error message only appears in the tip box which can only be seen...
  13. S

    Goback button doesn't actually go back

    I have turned on the Go Back button but when I click it, nothing happens. I have found the GoBack code in form.js which is the following: goback.addEvent('click', function (e) { e.stop(); if (Fabrik.Windows[this.options.fabrik_window_id]) {...
  14. S

    Auto-complete in repeatable group does not respect "Auto-complete how" setting

    I have set "Auto-complete how" to "Starts with" which worked great until I made the group repeatable which then caused it to work in the "Contains" way. I tracked the problem down to this line (around 209) in databasejoin.php: $this->_autocomplete_where = $label . ' LIKE ' ...
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    getHasButtons() returns true when all buttons are hidden

    I have set "Show add" to no in the list parameters but still allowed users permission to add records. When there are no other buttons, you still get the ul for the buttons appearing with no li buttons and this creates a line above the list. The reason for this is the following line in...
  16. S

    Textarea characters left doesnt work

    We have a form that sends a text message when it is submitted so this is a perfect opportunity to use the countdown feature of the textarea element. However, it doesn't actually countdown although it does prevent you entering any more then the specified number of characters: I also tried...
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    Copies of the same form don't work on the same page

    I have 7 copies of a list, 1 for each day of the week. I have placed each of the 7 forms into 1 article using the fabrik content plugin. They all loads fine but only the first one saves. Also, only the first CDD works. :( Looking at the HTML, the 7 copies of each element have the same id as...
  18. S"group" + b) is null when click next

    Since upgrading from github yesterday, I now cant complete some of my multi-page forms as I get this error which clicking next: Error: TypeError:"group" + b) is null Source File: /media/com_fabrik/js/form-min.js Line: 1 Interestingly is doesn't cause a problem when clicking next...
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    getElement(".loader") is null on calc

    After updating from github yesterday, I am now getting the following error when some forms load: Error: TypeError: this.element.getParent().getElement(".loader") is null Source File: /plugins/fabrik_element/calc/calc-min.js Line: 1 This seems to be related to the AJAX calculation as it no...
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    Could Not Find Record In Database

    Since upgrading to the latest github recently, I am getting COULD NOT FIND RECORD IN DATABASE on many content pages as a Joomla error message. Sometimes I get it multiple times on category blog pages even though there are no articles showing that contain a fabrik plugin. What is referring to...
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