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  1. B

    Error after update to 4 Delta

    I have a very simple shopping list app, which has DB table "items" with a field(Yes/No) "needed". I have 2 lists with data-prefilters needed = 1 and the other needed = 0. On the list I've added a php-plugin (button in row) to change the value of "needed" 0->1 or 1->0. php code: $app =...
  2. B

    List View by menu reference

    Hi ... I have a problem where I go to a bookmarked list view. It looks similar to other uncaught errors in "media/com_fabrik/js/dist/blockuserinput.js:3" ... Mine displays everything correctly, but doesn't allow user input(keys or mouse). My error from Firefox developers tools: Uncaught...
  3. B

    Migration to Fabrik 4 of Encrypted element(s)

    Hi, I'm slowly but surely testing migrating my Fabrik 3 site. So glad that Fabrik 4 is pretty much "done". I've created a new sub-domain with php 8.1 and then followed the suggestions for Fabrik4 "upgrade". My current problem is with 2 fields(elements) in the database that I have set as...
  4. B

    Modify List Footer(Navigation) or ActionButtons

    I have a master/detail setup and working. On the detail list I would like a simple "Go Back" button to return to the master. What is the "recommended" method to insert a link type button at either the top (near Add button) or as part of the Navigation at the bottom ? Thanks
  5. B

    Multiple add/edit buttons per row in list

    I have a reasonably complex(grandfather/father/son with other references) view in my DB. I've set it as a List in Fabrik, and it displays well. But editing and adding are a problem, of course. I want to be able to add/edit the father & son DB tables(also created as lists in Fabrik) via their...