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  1. K

    FixMe J5 Radio buttons to button group in repeated group

    Im having an issue with the radio buttons, when setting them to a button group in a repeated group, there is no way to change the cloned button in the repeated group. The page scrolls back to first non cloned radio button group and when changing this value, the cloned value is also updated. Any...
  2. K

    File upload rename error

    Im getting an error when im trying to rename a file when uploading. I use the following code: import( 'joomla.filesystem.file' ); // Get values from input fields $dier_id = $formModel->formData['dier_id']; $naam_dier = $formModel->formData['naam_dier']; $achternaam =...
  3. K

    rename fileuploads in repeat group

    How to rename fileuploads in a repeat group? The database is not the main joomla DB. When using the example it gets an error, "mainDBname.ep_submission" doesnt exist. How can i target elements from the repeated group to use for the rename? Maybe good to mention its not repeated data but...
  4. K

    Default values on clear also cleared.

    Hello, I have a form with repeated groups and text elements with default values to set the status of the data, but i noticed when i use the clear function, the default values which should be still the default values, are set to "". Also when the form is submitted. Is this a bug or should it be...
  5. K

    Cant add fields to any list..

    Uhhm im havin an awkward issue.. Suddenly i get an error when i want to add an element to any list. errormessage: You cant add fields to this list I havent done anything weird, iv been adding this whole noon without any issues... What can cause this?
  6. K

    Repeating group add/remove button positioning

    Hello, I was wondering if its possible to configure the positioning of the add/remove buttons of a repeating group. Nothing for setting it up in the form layout or whatever, and its positioning by default is crap if you ask me.. thanks in advance
  7. K

    Repeated group, intro for each repeat

    How can i get some kind of intro or whatever so its clear where the repeated group data starts? Im using the labels above template, i wonder what i should change to get what i want. The introtext on a repeated group should show before every repeat. Now when you have 2 repeats, the intro shows...
  8. K

    (firefox)date element calender popup in form

    The calender popup doesnt popup in firefox when using advanced formats. Chrome works fine. Can anyone tell me how to fix it?
  9. K

    Failed to parse time string

    When i fill in a form with multiple date fields, i get this message on submitting it. The data is all stored in the database anyway. DateTime::__construct() [datetime.--construct]: Failed to parse time string (Array) at position 0 (A): The timezone could not be found in the database
  10. K

    Github update for 3.1

    Whats the link to the archive on github for 3.1? ? When i unzip the archive, upload through ftp and overwrite files i get: Fatal error: Class FabModel cannot extend from interface JModel in...
  11. K

    Birthday element - Can it show years in the future?

    Im asking this because i/clients have difficulties with the date element(it jumps a day sometimes), and doesnt work well with all browsers. I want to use it for a reservations form, so the birthday element is pretty useless, since i also need reservation possibility for 2013 and 2014, and i like...
  12. K

    Date element autofills on repeat group

    Hi, When i have a date element, and it is in a repeating group, and it is filled in when a repeat is added by clicking the add button, the date in that repeat gets autofilled. How to fix this? Thanks
  13. K

    Calender not working on 64bit IE

    Calender isnt showing on 64-bit IE, with the latest update of DHTML Date/Time Selector from it should. Maybe handy to update?
  14. K

    Rename uploads(multiple files with the ajax function)

    Is it possible(and how to do it lol) when using the fileupload element with ajax upload enabled to rename the files to e.g {mytable___internal_id}-??(1 to 99 if 99 files uploaded), so if the internal_id is 245, and 5 .jpg files would be uploaded, the result would be the files are renamed as...
  15. K

    Adding a true date element instead of date/time

    I wonder when theres a real date element instead of the current one, which is actually a date/time element now. Im using external software for extraction from my online mysql db, and the external software doesnt support the date/time element, but does support date element. And when im adding an...