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  1. K

    Display the whole column

    Hi @all, is there a way to display only one column and not the whole list in content? I don?t find a soloution Thanks for your help
  2. K

    upload issue

    Hi there, I have a upload element for jpg's. On Firefox everything works fine but on IE9 in shows me " Opps. Still on dinosaur technology? Time to update" also only inthe IE9 (I don?t know about other IE versions) I get a preview-window on edit page. I don?t want that. Are there any...
  3. K

    edit rules

    Hi @all, after several problems now the end is near... My biggest issue is a rule for editing entries Registeres Users should be able to make new entries. Thats no problem Registered users should be able to upload files in all entries but should be excluded to edit all oher fields. Is that...
  4. K

    plg-googleWeather v2.6

    Hi there, I installed this plugin They say I can Include it everywhere with this code {weather Stadt(City), Land (Country)} In my Form there are two Elements called land (Country) and region (City) I want to include...
  5. K


    Hi @all, the upload-element in frontend allways shows me "Opps. Still on dinosaur technology? Time to update" I?m using the Ajax upload with html5 (i still tried html4 but nothing happened) You can see it here user:all pass:all please tell me...
  6. K


    Hi @ all, I?m using the newest version on a Joomla 2.5 Installation. What I want to do is List with divebases and user are able to upload pictures for the bases and the pics will be shown in detailview. What I?ve done is creating a Table called "Tauchbasenpic". There are 4 Elements...
  7. K

    Star rating

    Hi @all, is there a way to include a Star rating and comment? Thanks for your answers CU Alex