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  1. M

    Date field doesn't work in a repeated group.

    Hi! I've created a repeated group in a form. In this group I've got a date field. In the first row, the calendar plugin works correctly. When I add a new row, the calendar plugin doesn't work for the new row: I select a date in the calendar but this doesnt' close and the date will not...
  2. M

    Problem with labels of fabrik objects

    Hi! I've jus updated my joomla installation with the github repository. I've got this problem (as you can see in the attachment): almost all the labels in fabrik are not substituted by their description. What can I do? Thank You. Manuela
  3. M

    Don't want to view validation message under the field.

    Hi. What can I do to not see when a Validation fails the error message under the field that causes the error? I just would like to see the "Validation failed" string at the the top and the field that causes the problem highligted. I don't want to see the string "Validation failed"...
  4. M

    Problem with labels of fabrik objects

    Hi! I've jus updated my joomla installation with the github repository. I've got this problem (as you can see in the attachment): almost all the labels in fabrik are not substituted by their description. What can I do? Thank You. Manuela
  5. M

    Date field doesn't work in a repeated group.

    Hi! I've created a repeated group in a form. In this group I've got a date field. In the first row, the calendar plugin works correctly. When I add a new row, the calendar plugin doesn't work for the new row: I select a date in the calendar but this doesnt' close and the date will not...
  6. M

    Show hide group from a script javascript, not from the tab.

    Hi. I need to hide/show a form group from a script javascript, not using the tab. The problem is that I evaluate some variables from the script and then I decide to hide or show the group? Is it possible to do this? How? Thank You. Manuela
  7. M

    Setting value of a dropdown from Javascript

    Hi! I've got a 7.js (7 is number of form) script where I want to add a value/some values to a dropdown. I've tried with this 3 solution but it doesn't work: 1. form_7.formElements.get('me_save_0001_prog_educ___me_save_0001_tipo_pagamento').update('newvalue'); 2...
  8. M

    cascading dropdown

    Hi! I've got two db tables. table1 (id1, desc1, id12) table2 (id2, desc2, id12) I've got a database join on table1 with value id1 and label desc1. I'd like to have a cascadingdropdown on table2 with value id2 and label desc2. The problem is that I want to see in the cascadingDD...
  9. M

    Placeholder form name

    Hi. Is there a list of the placeholder I can use? What's the placeholder for the form name? Thank You. Manuela
  10. M

    Label of the star icon

    Hi! When I've got a field required, there's a star. Moving the mouse over the star I got the message 'This field is required'. Where can I change this string? Thank You. Manuela
  11. M

    After validation error the cascading dropdown field lose the selection made

    Hi. I've got a database join field and a cascading dropdown field. I select a value from the first field, another value from the cascading field. I forget to input value in one required field -> I've got a validation error. The system give me back the form with all the field whith the...
  12. M

    Redirect form plugin

    Hi! I'm trying to use the redirect Form plug-ins. I can choose popup or new page, but the page url opens always in the current windows. Is there any problem with this plugin? Thanks. Manuela I attached the image.
  13. M

    Create pdf using value of form fields but with completely different layout.

    Hi. I've got this problem: I have got a form. In this form I just ask the user to fill in the necessary fields. When submitting the form, I'd like to open a pdf with a different layout, with extra text, and showing the values the user put in It. How can I do this? The pdf function that...
  14. M

    Refresh field value in form view

    Hi. I don't know if it's possible to do this: I've got a dropdown box with different values. I'd like that when I make a selection in the dropdown, a display plugin change values, getting the new value from a database and that new value will be show in the form. My case: - in the dropdown...
  15. M

    No showing pdf icon

    Hi. I have just installed Fabrik 3 on Joomla 2.5. I created a form and I selected 'show' for the pdf icon, but when I view the form, the pdf icon doesn't appear. If I select 'show' for email icon and print icon, I can see them in my form, but it seems this doesn't work for the pdf icon. I...
  16. M

    Validation error

    Hi. I'm new with Fabrik and Joomla. I have made a Form. In this form I've got different groups and different elements per group. I've tried to use the Validation function, using a simple 'isnotempty' condition or a 'php' condition. When I click on the 'Apply' button and the validation...