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  1. H

    Alternative to detail views, is it possible and how?

    When I have a fabrik list, I can click on an element to show up the detail view. When I click on the link the details page appears: A cosmetic question: How can I set the size of this details view popup to a better size, wider and less high? Now the essential question. First, let's...
  2. H

    Fatal error: Class ?ploader' not found

    What am I doing wrong here? I have a simple form, see I want two files to be uploaded with each submission, but it always results in: Fatal error: Class 'uploader' not found in...
  3. H

    How to add a single record to a table?

    This is a pretty simple problem, but the solution is way beyond me, so that is why I posted this question in the hope you can help me solve it. I have a table that looks like this: I have a page the looks like this: When I click on the link in the first column, called Nr. I want a...
  4. H

    How to add a ranking to a list?

    I have a database of many benchmark results. See but to make it more complex, see this page as well WARNING: To access the first page you have to register and login. Basically both pages draw data from the same...
  5. H

    How to adjust detail views?

    If you go to this page: and scroll down to see the detail view, you can see my problem. There is far too much vertical spacing between the various fields. How can I adjust the vertical spacing in this detail view to fit more data without...
  6. H

    How to add a (Re)Captcha element to a form?

    I have a form, see and I want to add a (Re)Captcha element to this form. The Recaptcha plug-in is installed and works OK as can be seen here: How do I do that with fabrik?
  7. H

    Three problems with forms

    See the image below. fabrik sets the width of text input fields too wide, causing the tip-text to be placed too far to the right. Firebug shows the width is set to 311 px, but it should be far less. See second attachment. Second problem is the error messages you always get on the form, but if...
  8. H

    Extracting data from .CSV and importing into mySQL

    I have a form that attaches a .CSV file. What I need to do on submission of the form is to extract the data from the .CSV file and import those data in the MySQL database, as shown in the screenshot below: The format is static, always 5 numbers, always to the same fields as shown by the...
  9. H

    Why is no receipt sent?

    I have a form here: When completed and saved, I get the notice is has been saved successfully, I get an e-mail confirming the submission, but the sender does not receive his copy. Why and how to correct this? The attached image shows the plug-in activated.
  10. H

    Noob question about form functions

    Sorry for such a range of utter noob questions, but this is my first exposure to Joomla and fabrik and I'm running into some problems that I can't find an answer to. Maybe you can help me. Background: The form is to be used by many people using the same instructions, resulting in some...