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Search results

  1. Incremental

    Wysywig textarea - input and "Toggle editor" button not working

    I have a simple Form used by Admin to reply to a Contact Form This Admin Form has 2 Groups (Contact, Reply) and should behave like this : by default only the Contact Group is showed (user contact information) WITH a 'Reply' toggle button. clicking on the 'Reply' toggle button makes...
  2. Incremental

    Stay logged problem

    Hi, I found a strange behaviour, as I asked Joomla front-end to keep me registered (as admin) If I shut off my PC and come back on my home page a few days after : I do not see my Admin Fabrik menu, like if I was not logged on. the Login Form block ask me a login password Then, if I click on my...
  3. Incremental

    Transforming List Row ID ?

    Hi, I have a list with users not created as Joomla users. I would like to allow them to access ONLY to their informations, sending them an URL by mail (list email plugin) As ID are auto-increments, I do not want that some folks try to access other records, changing the ID in the URL sent by...
  4. Incremental

    Placeholders in Email List plugin

    Hi, I would like to send by mail to one of my recorded users in a list, the URL of his informations. I used {$mosConfig_live_site} placeholder to reconstruct the URL + fabrik path to the right form. But I miss the row ID. When I try {rowid} or '{rowid}' I get this text in my mail, not the ID...
  5. Incremental

    Date plugin labels

    After last github, some labels of the date plugin are broken :
  6. Incremental

    Phone numbers formatting

    Hi, as some users do not fill correctly phone numbers : - with spaces or not - I got once accentuated chars instead of numbers ! ...is it possible to have something formatting numbers ? ie : 00-00-00-00-00 I would like to store 01-00-00-00-00 when people type : - 01 00 00 00 00 -...
  7. Incremental

    Tutorial 03 - User Profile not loading

    The following tuto is not loading : http://fabrikar.com/help/tutorials/details/3/12
  8. Incremental

    Modify IP element value on submission

    Hello, I'm developping an event registration application and I would like to get and update User IP. I want to avoid IP modification if the administrator is modifying the record. In my Form I set a PHP plugin (onBeforeStore) modifying the Form IP adress without effect. The Form IP is stored...
  9. Incremental

    Auto completion selection problem

    Hello, I use Firefox which propose me a list of already typed values for fields. Picking an element with the mouse is working. Picking an element with keyboard don't. The field remains the same.
  10. Incremental

    Complex form validations ?

    Hello, for a contact Form, I have 2 groups : contact : with public elements for contacting reply : with admin answering elements My idea is to have only one form performing different validation actions, when used in public or admin (ACL + templating) At the moment, my validation is working for...
  11. Incremental

    Fabrick backend tooltips

    Hello, in backend, some tooltips (Form / Plugins) are rendered as HTML code. Is it wrong on my side ? Thanks
  12. Incremental

    Ajax validation never ending in Forms

    Hello, it was previously working, but now my contact form which has Ajax Validation, displays a never ending "Validating" spinner over filled elements. Thanks for help !!!
  13. Incremental

    Joomla 3 backend GUI

    Hello, as J3.x has a very light GUI, with no icons for components menus and just Bootstrap buttons, it would be nice to display in Title, the <ElementName> opened in Fabrik. ie: instead of "Fabrik: edit form" -->"Fabrik: edit form <FormName>" When you're editing something, you can see that...
  14. Incremental

    Input size="20" not wider enough

    Hi, I set F3.1rc2 on a J2.5 site. My form is OK, but I would like to have wider input fields for my elements (Text, max length = 255). As the CSS wide is OK (Firebug examination), my HTML is : <input id="rencontres2014___Prenom" class="span1 fabrikinput inputbox text" type="text" value=""...
  15. Incremental

    eMailing with prefilled forms

    Hi, I have to send a mailing for an event. I have in an Excel sheet filled with users data. I would like to pre-fill forms to register to this event and would expect data validation by users. Thanks to jfquestiaux for this post allowing to fill Fabrik form ...
  16. Incremental

    Show/hide Group

    Hi, I know that there are many posts about the subject, and some informations in the Wiki, but I need some explanations on the new templates. I just would like to have a simple AJAX Form used by Admin to reply to a Contact Form This Admin Form has 2 Groups (Contact, Reply) and should behave like...
  17. Incremental

    Explanations on Repeatable Groups

    Hi, as I clearly understand the Group concept in forms, I would have more explanations about Repeated Groups, as the wiki is not fully detailed on this subject : do you have some samples to understand the concept ? how is structured the database table ? I suppose that it is necessary to have...
  18. Incremental

    Form Bootstrap_tabs width based on 1st tab elements...

    Hi, I made a form with 2 groups. When opening it in an ajax popup window, the width of the window is correct, based on the wider element of the 2ng Group. when using Bootstrap_tabs template, the window is sized on the first Tab / Group. But in this case smaller to fit all of the 2ng Group...
  19. Incremental

    Precisions for List Templates...

    Hi, I'm trying to custom my List Template and would like some precisions about the Wiki : http://fabrikar.com/forums/index.php?wiki/creating-a-custom-list-template/ The Wiki tell that each row has a standard set of properties: stdClass Object ( ) Is this structure complete ? What are...
  20. Incremental

    Form button icon class ?

    Hi, I tried to custom my form 'Go back button' with an icon. I tried to use the bootstrap 'glyphicon-step-backward' without success. Can you document this option please ? Thanks