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  1. adriannunez

    Show more than 10 rows in autocomplete database join

    Hi guys I have a databse join element rendered as auto-complete. The database column contains many rows starting with the same words and the auto-complete element renders only the 10 first items. How can I increase that limit?
  2. adriannunez

    No delete buttons in repeat groups.

    Hi I have 4 repeat groups in a form. Two of them have more than one element and the 'add' and 'delete' buttons are shown correctly. The other two repeat groups have more 2 and 3 elements (file upload, calc and field / field and calc) and there's only the add group button (check the image below)...
  3. adriannunez

    Problem getting variable from URL into form email plugin

    Hello I'm trying to send emails to addresses based on users id's, where the id is sent in the URL where the form is published (in front page). This is my code: $jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input; $foo1 = $jinput->get('var1'); $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); $query_email = "SELECT email...
  4. adriannunez

    Send mail using a variable from a 'GET' request

    Hi I need to send a mail using form email plugin where the recipient address should be obtained with GET method. I'm using this (the value of var1 is the user's id and it's obtained from the URL): $jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input; $foo1 = $jinput->get('var1'); $db =&...
  5. adriannunez

    Error on Form redirect plugin and php plugin

    Hi I'm trying to get a redirection on form submit but I get this error: SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character I first tried the redirect plugin and then php plugin with this code: $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $url = 'index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=14&Itemid=152'; $msg...
  6. adriannunez

    Return databasejoin/checkbox data into calc element

    Hi I have a databsejoin - checkbox element and I want to get a comma separated values text of all selected elements into a calc element (in the same group). I'm trying with return {table___element_name} but I'm getting an empty value in my DB and, of course, an empty value in my Fabrik list...
  7. adriannunez

    Limit the number of responses in databasejoin - checkbox

    Hi I'm using this code as in the Wiki: var el = Fabrik.blocks.form_10.formElements.get('avisos___aviso_otras_actividades'); if (el.numChecked() > 3 ) { alert('Message'); event.stop(); } but it simply doesn't work: I can check any number of boxes. Somebody know if there's a bug?
  8. adriannunez

    Rating plugin is not storing data

    You can click the stars of the rating plugin and see that the colour changes but the data is not stored. Is there a way to get it working? Adrian
  9. adriannunez

    How to return Joomla plugins like {plugin}text{/plugin} in calc?

    Hi I'm using a tooltip plugin from Nonumber in some of my database fields. I'm trying to return these fields on a calc element but calc just shows the {} characters (and everithing inside) as a text (not the actual tooltip). The syntax is {tip Wow!::Now I can give something a cool tooltip!}This...
  10. adriannunez

    Visualizations: Show lists dropdown only for admins

    Hi I have a calendar visualization connected to 2 lists. One of them is editable only for admins, the other editable for all registered users, but all users (admins and registered) can see events from both lists (they are just shown in different colors depending of the list). What I need is to...
  11. adriannunez

    Time selector translation

    Hi I need to translate the word "time" on the title of the time selector Javascript window. Does anybody know where's the location of the corresponding file to translate? Thanks in advance, Adrian
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