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  1. J

    Close Window from element object

    Yeah, unfortunately there is a lot where my understanding is weak. Working on educating myself. I do thank you Hugh for all of your assistance.
  2. J

    Close Window from element object

    I am going to let this one die the slow death it deserves. Rethinking the problem, it is not required that this process be fired off from a form element button, it can be a standalone process called off of a menu. Going in that direction.
  3. J

    Close Window from element object

    I added the FabrikHelperHTML code AFTER I did the J! includes, it got rid of the several errors mentioned above and added one more on the PHP error log: Fatal error: Class 'FabrikHelperHTML' not found in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/booker/jar-includes-test/group-item2.php on line 75
  4. J

    Close Window from element object

    The window that pops up provides a form where the user selects any number of metro areas groups then when submitted, the receiving script breaks out the metro groups into into their individual metro areas and saves them in the database for that user. It is basically a batch add records...
  5. J

    Close Window from element object

    Thanks Hugh, I am really trying to do something pretty simple and have been stuck in a bunch of complexity that need not be there. You are correct in your suggestion about using a Fabrik modal call. To pursue that, I put the following code in a button element...
  6. J

    Close Window from element object

    Closing this - I need to rethink the whole process.
  7. J

    Close Window from element object

    Looking at Rob's instructions on another thread, he said: <a href="" class="myFabWin" rel="{'id':'prophoto-window','title':'my link rocks','loadMethod':'iframe'}"> My Link </a> then the id is 'prophoto-window' which you close with: <script...
  8. J

    Close Window from element object

    Yeah, I know I am probably driving you crazy with this. This is the same process that you are referring to but in this case, I don't open the window. If I were opening the window, I could give it a name when I open it and reference it from there. In this case, Fabrik and J! open the window...
  9. J

    Close Window from element object

    el.form.mockSubmit(); allows me to submit the form for the element object 'el'. Is there a way to reference the window where that form lives and close it? Thanks - jarea
  10. J

    Missing include files in external PHP script generated from Fabrik

    Actually, answering myself, I found a sweet, short function that does that ( for those who are interested:[just put it in components/com_fabrik/form_X.js where X is the ID of your form]. It works great easily allowing me to pass POST json strings...
  11. J

    Missing include files in external PHP script generated from Fabrik

    So to make a long story short and a complicated problem simple, I figured out that the values I needed in the script were already built into the $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] so that eliminated the need for a POST. So I took your suggestion and simply called the script directly from the button with...
  12. J

    Missing include files in external PHP script generated from Fabrik

    I put a link to group-item2.php in the site notes. I'll take a look at the moo docs for ResponseScripts and Response.HTML. Also, this is the first I have heard about the Fabrik.window class. I'll check that out as well. Thanks - jarea
  13. J

    Missing include files in external PHP script generated from Fabrik

    P.S. here is the whole function. function doButton(el) { var url = "http://localhost:8888/booker/jar-includes-test/group-item2.php"; var contact_id = $("contacts___id").value; var window_id =; var page_url = window.location.href; new Request.HTML({ url:url, method...
  14. J

    Missing include files in external PHP script generated from Fabrik

    If I understand your question correctly, I think the reason I am doing it this way is to put the data into POST rather than GET.
  15. J

    Missing include files in external PHP script generated from Fabrik

    onComplete: function(response) { if (response != '') { //alert(response); var newWin ='', "new window", "width=800, height=200"); newWin.document.write(response); newWin.document.close(); el.form.mockSubmit(); } } So would that require my loading assets?
  16. J

    Button element: submit on joined form

    Removed the button type from Submit to Button. Added (this) to the function call in the button to send the element object Added the el.form.mockSubmit() to the OnComplete in form_37.js Works great, submits the form an saves any new entries that were queued up in the form. Thanks Hugh
  17. J

    Missing include files in external PHP script generated from Fabrik

    I have been working on calling an external PHP script from a button element and almost have everything working except for this one little quirk. The button calls a function in form_X.js The function in form_X.js calls an external PHP script and passes some parameters via an ajax POST call. The...
  18. J

    Button element: submit on joined form

    I'm at I'm at 3.4.2.
  19. J

    Button element: submit on joined form

    Cool. I'll play with that. Thanks Hugh!
  20. J

    Button element: submit on joined form

    Sorry about the deletion - I noticed that I posted it on the wrong forum and moved it. Yes - it was when adding a new group that the problem occurred. Passing the element object as an arg - would that be something like this: // Get the form's elements var formRef = 'form_37'; var elements =...