• Joomla 5.1

    For running J!5.1 you must install Fabrik 4.1
    See also Announcements

  • Subscription and download (Fabrik 4.1 for J!4.2+ and J!5.1) are working now

    See Announcement
    Please post subscription questions and issues here

    We have resolved the issue with the J! updater and this will be fixed in the next release.

Search results

  1. manne-hoffmann

    Some questions about UPDATE from github

    Hello there, I just did my first UPDATE from github and have some questions to better understand the instructions from the wiki As this is my first update from github I saw a big growth in the libraries-folder which didn't have a vendor-folder in the first place Was this vendor-folder not...
  2. manne-hoffmann

    Error(PHP-NOTICE) in ELEMENT-plugin "folder"

    Hello there, when using the element-plugin "folder" I get the following error when opening the form and details-view, if the option to display folders in th edropdwon ist set to OFF Notice: Undefined variable: folder in ... \plugins\fabrik_element\folder\folder.php on line 74 I am aware that...
  3. manne-hoffmann

    Modify filter-layout in list-view

    Hello there, according to the wiki there is a way to modify the filters-layout in list-view: This information seems to be outdated, because I cannot find default_filter.php. The only thing I find (in com_fabrik/views/list/bootstrap/default.php) is this: if ($this->showFilters &&...
  4. manne-hoffmann

    Problem with user-plugin on lists that reside on external connection

    Hi there, I have a problem with the user-plugin when used in a list that uses an external connection instead of the "site-database" I use 2 user-plugin fields as "created by" / "updated by" which are hidden in the form and only display in the list-view. The problem is that the list view can...
  5. manne-hoffmann

    BUG with "CreateDate" with non-standard form-format ??

    Hi there, I am not sure whether this is a bug or intended behaviour ?? I am using the default "date_time"-Field that's being created by default with a new default-list to store the date+time when the record was created. This works fine, but recently I found that the information stored in the...
  6. manne-hoffmann

    Using external database with "SELECT-only"-rights

    Hello there at fabrik, I am currently testing the ability to connect to external databases with Fabrik, which works fine! The problem arises from the fact, that our use-case only allows "Read-ONLY"-access to the external database. We only want to use it to display / search / sort /filter / data...
  7. manne-hoffmann

    Smarter way to get db_table_name in Form-Plugin [SOLVED]

    Hello there at FABRIK, I am just starting to get into FABRIK and am currently trying to write some "all-purpose" PHP-form-plugins. The idea is to use them in all forms of the application I am trying to build. In order to access and/or manipulate form-fields I must use the notation 'table...