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  1. S

    make tables responsive

    good morning everyone and thank you for the time you dedicate to me. I've read some old posts on the subject. I wanted to know if...
  2. S

    Users can delete records entered by others

    good morning and thanks for the help you will give me. I have a problem with accessing the list permissions. in practice I have set that only users who own a record can delete records. instead all logged in users can also delete records entered by others. I have clearly created a user...
  3. S

    trash icon not show with gantry 5 template

    Hello and thank you for the time you dedicate to me. fabrik with the gantry 5 helium theme does not show the trash icon to delete a record. in reality the icon is clearly near the lens, but you can't see the icon. If I set the classic Joomla 5 Cassiopeia template it shows correctly. how can I...
  4. S

    fabrik 4.0Epsilon and joomla 5.0 error

    Hi everyone, I upgraded to Joomla 5 and everything went fine. the only problem I have at the moment is with fabrik. before moving from joomla 4.4.0 to joomla 5.0 I updated fabrik with version 4.0 epsilon. when I upgraded joomla I disabled the system fabrik plugin which could cause problems...
  5. S

    sending emails to different addresses based on what to select in the form

    good morning everyone, thank you for the time you will dedicate to me. I have used fabrik more than a few times and it has sensational potential. I ask you who know more than me, however, how to solve a problem. I have a contact form, where depending on the drop-down fields I select, the email...

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