0 - Class 'FabrikWorker' not found

Thanks for the explanation.

I'm confident now that we finally have a happy end to this thread.
finest regards,


It's been two years of flawless operation since I sent the last message in this thread, but unfotunately I need your help again on this issue.

I get the 'Class FabrikWorker not found' message again after:
  1. upgrading to PHP7.3.4
  2. upgrading from Joomla 3.9.5 to 3.9.21
  3. upgrading from Fabrik 3.9 to 3.9.1
Please advise on my next steps.

I did the upgrade in zb.3eenheidparochie.nl which is a sandbox environment.

regards, Henk
I would suggest to do a GitHub update. Maybe during your old updates (it seems you skipped many versions during your way) some files were missing/weren't moved...

Additionally make sure that you don't have outdated folders with old code which don't exist in the recent version and that you don't use such outdated code in your custom code (e.g. in php_events you mentioned somewhere in your thread).

e.g. FabrikHelpers (including Workers.php) has moved to ...libraries/fabrik/fabrik/Helpers at some point (with aliases in ...components/com_fabrik/helpers/legacy/aliases.php)
Thanks for the speedy reply.

Let me check whether I understand you correctly:
1. I must replace all depricated code in my custom php code.
2. I must remove all outdated folders from Fabrik (and also from Joomla?), based on the latest GitHub update.

Do you have any suggestions where I can find what is the depricated php code that was used in Joomla?

regards, Henk
I would
update from GitHub
compare all folders (main level) in components/com_fabrik and rename all which are not in GitHub
compare files and folders in components/com_fabrik/helpers and rename all which are not in GitHub
set Joomla's error reporting to max
enable Joomla's system debug
run your site and see which error and stack you get
Hello troester,

I've got the 'Fabrik Worker' problem fixed in my sandbox environment by using the GitHub link that is mentioned earlier in this thread (a different include.php in Libraries).
Than I did all the steps you mentioned above and I don't seem to have any errors related to Fabrik.
Now I will repeat all the steps again in my sandbox without using the include fix.
When all of this works fine, I'll redo this in my production environment.
Thank you for the excellent support sofar.

Q: I also discovered a folder called 'fabrik_build' can I delete that folder as well?

regards, Henk
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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