3.0.7 fileupload element not creating thumbnail


Resize is working for primary image, but when enabling create thumbnail with same path as primary image, and suffix of _thumb, no error is shown and no image is created....

joomla 2.5.9
I'm unable to replicate this. Works fine for me with same folder path for thumbs as main image, and using a suffix of _thumb.

Have you checked to see if the file is actually created or not on the file system?

Are you using a recent github, or the last 3.0.7 ZIP?

-- hugh
Latest github is fine, that's what I'm using.

Well, I'm kind of at a loss. I've tried every combination of directories, prefixes and postfixes, and (with the obvious exception of using the same name in the same folder as the main image) it all works for me.

Have you tried just specifying a subdirectory for the thumbs and not using pre/postfixes? So just specify the thumbs dir as /same/path/to/images/thumbs. I'm interested in whether this is something specific to using pre/postfixes, or if it's a more generic problem with creating the resized image. You said that resizing the main image is working, so theoretically there should be no problem resizing the thumb, as it uses the same routine internally. But ... I'd still like you to test just using a subdirectory.

-- hugh
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