Advanced search options for standart


New Member
Hello, I have a created a list in Fabrik with a search field. I enabled the advanced search. In the standart search the search item must have the same first letters. I cant search of a part of the word. For example: My Artikel is FVA645xxx. Then i have to search in standart search for FVA. In advanced search i can search with "contains" for 645.
Can I use (enable) the "contain attribut" also in the standart search?

thank you for help!!!
In the standart search the search item must have the same first letters. I cant search of a part of the word.
You can.
Just set "exact match" =no in elements list view settings/filters
I tested with this setting, but no result. When you filter a column operate even when one character entered.
My fabrik is with latest github update.
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