Bug whith csv export when element link to details



I have a list of which of the elements is a link to the details (enabled in list view settings). However when I downloaded the list csv that element appears in the document as csv: <a href="/mysite/index.php/fr/mylist/details/2/1"> TEXT ELEMENT </a> .
I would like it to appear only as TEXT ELEMENT.
Is it a bug, how else do?
Thank you for any help.
You could try exporting raw data instead.

It's not a bug, more of a "feature", in that non-raw exports use the formatted element values, which happen to include any options like details links. But that's something we should probably consider changing, as I can't really see many occasions where youwould want the link to be in the CSV. I'll have a look see if it's not too tough to change.

-- hugh
Are you running recent a recent version? I just tested, and we don't apply the custom link when CSV exporting.

-- hugh
My bad ! This was not the link to the details that were activated in the settings of the item but "link to joined record" in "add option in front end"! Actually if the link to the d?tails is activated, this link does not appear in the csv export. In fact these two links have the same action in the list?
Sincerely sorry, you were right. its my fault.
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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