Changing font-size and line-height for a specific list


I've tried to follow the instruction in the wiki Custom Styling a List..
  1. Copied the bootstrap folder in com_fabrik/views/list/tmpl, renamed it bootstrap2 and copied back into the same folder.
  2. bootstrap2 now appears as a Front End and Administration layout option.
  3. Renamed custom_css_example.php custom_css.php and placed file in bootstrap2 folder
  4. Added code to style the class identified in Firebug. See below.
  5. fabrik_03082015a.png

Result is no change to the font-size of the table. What am I doing wrong ? Thanks.
Thanks mandoju - with !important everything works ! I've hesitated to use this in the past because I understood it was bad practice - making it harder to understand why later css changes fails and encouraging a proliferation of !important declarations. But you live and learn. Thanks again for your help on this - my new list now has a smaller font size, line height and edit/display buttons. Very encouraging.