Display icon or image based on another field


New Member

I have a field in my form using eval and php code that checks another table in my joomla database and displays Yes or No based on the info from the other table.

This works fine and displays the text Yes or No in the list view and details view.

I now want to display an icon instead of yes or no. Yes must display tick.jpg icon and No must display cross.jpg icon

Any ideas how i can display different icons?

This is the code that displays my yes no text

$user = JFactory :: getUser();
$db = JFactory :: getDBO();
$query_form = $db->getQuery(true)
          ->where('id = ' . (int) $user->id);
        $val_form = $db->loadResult();
        $Yes = 'Yes';
        $No = 'No';
        if($val_form == '')
                    return $No;
                return $Yes;
This is how I display icons. You should be able to return something like this instead of the 'Yes' / 'No'
$booticon = "{mc_mi_priority___booticon}";
if ($booticon != null) {
  $myval = '<i class="condensed-icon '.$booticon;
  $myval.= '">';
  $myval.= '</i>';
Result: <i class="condensed-icon sort1 icon-warning color-yellow"></i>
You can add text as well: <i class="condensed-icon sort1 icon-ok color-green"></i> Yes
return $myval;
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