Email Template (Article) issue

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Hi there,

I hoping that this could be something simple...

I want to use the email submission to send a mail on the submission

At this stage I am just testing the email template but hit a problem.

I created the simple article as follows:
Hi {jos_users___name}

This is a test message to check the submission email

I made a change to the {jos_users___shopid}


On the submission I then picked this article template but the mail I send does not replace the placeholders?

I get that exact text in my email ... not placeholder subsititution?

Is there anything that I missed?

Any advise will be greatly appreciated
Template issue

Yes! I copied the element name from the elements view in the admin panel to ensure that i get all the required underscores in
Hi Troester, i found the problem,

Actually i deleted the placeholders that I copied and typed them in manually. Then it worked? Seems that if you try and copy and paste like i did that some hidden characters prevents the placeholders from being evaluated, so i am sorted
Yes, it doesn't work if there are spaces or HTML tags ... inside {}, so in a WYSIWYG editor it's wise to switch to HTML source code view in case of problems.
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