File not uploaded for security reasons

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Hello everyone,

Some years ago, I've made a website with a Fabrik form in wich there are some file upload elements.

All worked well until recently.
I was told by my client that, sometimes, zip files are not uploaded and that the form is not submitted with the following system message: "File not uploaded for security reasons".

After some search, it seems that the problem comes from a new Joomla! way to check the uploded files against some strings like '.php' or '.py'.
I've exprienced myself that I couldn't upload a PDF file compressed in ZIP format (I suppose that in the PDF there are some backlisted strings) but could upload a MP4 file compressed in ZIP format.
You can learn more in this topic of the Joomla! forum:

Many third party developers had to deal with this file checking see: or

I know it is not a Fabrik issue but this prolem is annoying and some help is welcome.

Best regards
There's a new fileupload option "Disable Safety Check" (I think you have to update from GitHub).
BUT as the tooltip says
Setting this to Yes will bypass Joomla's isSafeFile() checking, which checks for suspicious naming and potential PHP contents which could indicate a hacking attempt. Only enable this option if you are absolutely sure you need to, for instance if you need to upload ZIP files containing PHP, and that your form is suitably secure from non-authorized users.
Thank you for your report, thanks to him turned zip download files over 1 MB, but this was an error on line 263 fileupload.php
Decided as follows:
The original string: $ rawValues = count ($ value) == 0? array (): FArrayHelper :: array_fill (0, count ($ value), 0);
Revised: $ rawValues = count ($ value) == 0? array (): array_fill (0, count ($ value), 0);

Also it had to increase the memory_limit in php.ini up to 218M as not to send a letter
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Thank you for your report, thanks to him turned zip download files over 1 MB, but this was an error on line 263 fileupload.php
Decided as follows:
The original string: $ rawValues = count ($ value) == 0? array (): FArrayHelper :: array_fill (0, count ($ value), 0);
Revised: $ rawValues = count ($ value) == 0? array (): array_fill (0, count ($ value), 0);

Also it had to increase the memory_limit up to 218m as not to send a letter
No idea what you mean and what you referring to. The problem for the original poster was solved. Please open a new thread if you have an issue.
Thanks for the answer. The updated plugin fileupload appear white screen. Error indicates on line 263 in fileupload.php, remove FArrayHelper :: to correct error
Can you please open a new thread.
This issue is not related to this thread (and I can't replicate. Do you have mixed version of core Fabrik and fileupload element?)
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