How clean a databasejoin element rendered as auto-complete?


I tried
but it doesn't work.

I tried
but it searches a value corresponding to nothing or null.

How get the element cleaned (no value)?

Thanks in advance.
Friendly bump.

Some suggestion?
Where get informations?

I tried also Fabrik.getBlock('form').formElements.get('fabrik_table___element').clean();
Bumping in Community doesn't usually help. If you really need assistance, you should consider taking out a paid sub for a month.

The autofill has a test in the updateFromServer() method in the join JS that just aborts the update if the value is empty (otherwise it would make an AJAX call to the server to match an empty string, which would return every row in the target table, which the element would then just ignore). So as-is, you can't do what you are trying to do. You'll probably have to roll your own reset code to manually set both the auto element and the hidden element to empty.

-- hugh
Hi, Hugh.

In the past I had a Standard Support subscription as "R.IN.G.O Lavoro Over 40" user for more than an year, paid by that organization.
That project is finished.
Starting from a few weeks, I am involved in a service company (part of a group of companies) at an early stage; among other things, we develop websites.
For the first website I decided to use J! and Fabrik and I will push to continue on this way; but it is early to propose subscription.

Thank you very much for fixing; I am going to update from github.
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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