Integration with Cloud-based authentication?

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I am looking to add a cloud-based authentication service so my users can log in with their Facebook, Google, or whatever credentials. I found a popular Joomla extension called LoginRadius that offers a basic service for free. I am using Fabrik to manage my user registration now. Does anyone know how to integrate the two? I found this article which appears to describe how but don't understand it enough to know what to do next. I assume this could be turned into a form plugin somehow?

While this looks nice, I am not stuck on using this extention. Has anyone else done anything similar?
Don't think this is really relevant to Fabrik, as we don't handle login. We leave that entirely up to J! and whatever 'social' component you use (CB, JoomSocial, etc).

-- hugh
I am working on a project that will use that feature and indeed as Hugh said, it is not really a Fabrik issue since the goal of this feature is to speed the registration/login while using Fabrik for this is usually when you want the user to enter a - long - list of infos.

However, you can use Fabrik to display/retreive/treat the data collected by the authentification extension and also use it to ask further data to your users once they are registered.
Usually these extension store the data collected from the social profile in dedicated tables in the J! database (in addition to #__users), so you can acces them with Fabrik.

I have checked LoginRadius but chose to use another one, HybridAuth (by Dioscouri). It is a paid extension and has for the moment only 4 profiles (Facebook, Twitter, Google and OpenID) but I don't want to rely on an external service to validate the authentification.

To be complete, I mention they have a bug with the Twitter registration that I have reported and they have not fixed yet, so if you are in a hurry, you may want to use something else.
Thanks for the comments, you are correct. I was confused by the other extension populating information in the #_user table and how Fabrik would handle that. But, like you said, Fabrik comes in later in the process.

I got the other extension going and it is working fine. It uses a different login module than Joomla so I just need to figure out how to make it play nice with my Fabrik form. No big deal, just a matter of overriding a few links, and it is more of a Joomla question than Fabrik so I will close this thread.
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