Is this a bug or an incorrect definition


New Member
I have two tables:
1. table of elements - one of the field is a multi selected 'categories'
2. table of categories - one of the field is a multi selected 'categories'

Fabrik as created a '_repeat_' table...

When I am adding an element I am getting an SQL delete error...
I fix it by changing the file 'components/com_fabrik/models/element.php'
I surround lines 7496 - 7508 with an IF statment:
if (!empty($parentId)) {

I am not sure if this is the way to fix the issue or I have to use a different type of field (I am using 'databasejoin')

Not sure about your setup.
When I am adding an element ...
Adding a Fabrik element in the backend? Or adding a new record to your "element" table?
Which "SQL delete error"?
What is the relation between your elements and categories tables?
Fabrik as created a '_repeat_' table...
Which exact ones (should be two)?

Which exact Joomla and Fabrik versions are you running?
Jommla 3.4.1
Fabrik 3.3.2

the two tables I have:
1. gtcontent_repeat_categories
2. gtcontent_cat_repeat_parentId

the first one is the one on with I get the error... the SQL error is something like this "paranet_id = AND catId IN (x,y)..."

I will give a better description of my application because I found another issue...

I have two kind of content "types" with common information (by mean of structure). some of the common information is depend on language.
So, I defined 4 lists (and I am describing it bottom up):
  1. Info - language depend, and has the following column:
    • infoId (unique, auto increment)
    • contentId (a pointer to the content - next list)
    • language (en, fr etc.)
    • title
    • description
    • short descrition
  2. content - the common data
    • id - (unique, auto increment)
    • name
    • icon image
    • background image
  3. article - content data
    • articleId (unique, auto increment)
    • contentId (a pointer to the content - prev list)
    • url or any other specific information
    • categories (one or more, next list)
  4. category
    • catId (unique, auto increment)
    • contentId (a pointer to the content - the 2nd list)
    • category type or any other specific information
    • categories (one or many of this list)
I have create 'join' statements on 'article' and 'category' to point out to the related 'content' and 'info'
When I tried to added new 'category' or 'article' in the save phase I got the error about trying to delete with the SQL error.
The content was stored correctly in the database...

After adding the change I wrote about in my first message I got a new issue - The 'info' entries are stored in the DB correctly except the 'contentId' which get the value of 0

Any remark, comment?