"Some parts of your form have not been correctly filled in"

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Hello Again

i'm trying to translate this mensage in the form but i can't find the way.
I'm using AJAX validation (notempty, areunique) to show a message in the top of the form: "Some parts of your form have not been correctly filled in" but i want to translate to my lenguage
i found the css to change the color of the backgound or the color of the font but not the source of the message.

i've been trying this 2 ways:

1.- i've changed the mensage in es-ES.com_fabrik or en-GB.com_fabrik (COM_FABRIK_FORM_ERROR_MSG_TEXT)
2.- i've changed language in the Joomla root extention manager

someone knows where can I change it or make desappear this textbox
I think you have to delete the default (English) text in your form settings ("Error message" between Intro and Footer) to get the standard text from the language file.
Or put your message text in there.

To make it disapear you can add custom CSS to your form template
#form_X .fabrikError {
display: none;


with X = your form ID (or $c if the message should be hidden in all forms using this template)
easy way

some times the easy way is the is the hardest one.
i was looking for that option for 3 weeks and i couldn't got it.
it was so easy!
that's for all
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