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Update disable after upgrating to


New Member
After upgrating from 3.0.6 to via GitHub I can no longer update Lists and Forms.
Groups and elements may be created, updated and/or copied, whatever.

I'm using J2.5.
May somebody help me.

Unfortunately I'm running in localhost.
Can you refresh your browser's cache, by doing a ctrl-f5 (or whatever yoru browser needs to clear cache).

Sounds like an issue with cached Javascript files, not picking up the new JS files needed for that update.

-- hugh
I have no problems to create new forms (FF + Chrome) with latest GitHub.
Did you clear browser cache?
I think I'm running the same version (SHA1 ID:bc5514b....,"Minifing JS"), updated via GitGUI.
Can you try with an other browser (wenn's sein muss IE)?
Log out/in?
Do you have some JS compression plugin running (which didn't pick the latest fabrik JS)?
in chrome it says

  • Uncaught ReferenceError: controller is not defined index.php:287
    • Joomla.submitbutton index.php:287
    • onclick
it's a basic joomla 2.5.6 installation with jce as editor.

btw: fabrik 3.0.6 works
very interesting. it works now. after updating to the latest git version i activated all fabrik plugins. now i deactivate all i don't need and this fixed the error. a list of deactivated fabrik plugins is attached.

unfortunately i haven't the time to do a test with each plugin to discover which triggers the error.


  • 2012-08-28-17-18-24_screenshot_#802.jpg
    108.8 KB · Views: 285
Still sounds like a cached JS issue, as 'controller' is something new we introduced very recently. But I'll stay on the lookout for that error.

-- hugh
Yes, but no idea why my one site is working with the same JS code. And it is the site with ALL fabrik plugins enabled;D

You can close your threads with the "Thread tools" above.
no, i won't close until it works ;-) ... i updated to the latest github version and saving a new form isn't working in firefox. in opera it does. the error is:

Zeitstempel: 30.08.2012 12:08:18
Fehler: TypeError: document.id(addbutton) is null
Quelldatei: [URL]http://[/URL][JOOMLA256INSTALL]/administrator/components/com_fabrik/models/fields/swaplist.js
Zeile: 7
My collegue works in Opera, there it's possible to create new forms. Updating forms work in both browsers.
ok, changed the line 7 manually, a new error occours:

Zeitstempel: 30.08.2012 20:58:20
Fehler: SyntaxError: syntax error
Quelldatei: [WEBSITE]/administrator/components/com_fabrik/models/fields/swaplist.js
Zeile: 12, Spalte: 4

sorry :-/