Email/SMS list plugin

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  • The email list plug-in allows your users to select a series of rows and have them emailed to selected email addresses.
    Since ... it can also be used to send SMS.

    Example screen shot​




    • Access - which user group can email the records
    • Button label -The text used for the button's label
    • Send from user - If set to yes then the email's 'from' email address and name and will be those of the current logged in user. Otherwise the email will be sent from the site's admin email address
    • Condition -A PHP statment which must return true for the plug-in to be run



    • Email or SMS - Switch for sending SMS

    • Recipient Method
      • Single -send one message with all recipients in the To line
      • Multiple -send multiple emails, one for each recipient
    • Get email address from- the method for defining the email address the email is sent to
      • Select from elements -When the user composes the email they have an additional dropdown which allows them to select the element which contains the email address
      • Defined in email to field -The email is sent to the email address defined in the 'email to' field.
      • Address book (pick list) - Enables the user to select email addresses from another list. Enter list connection details in the "Address book" tab. Renders as a picklist of addresses (see example screen shot above)
      • Address book (multi select) - Enables the user to select email addresses from another list. Enter list connection details in the "Address book" tab. Renders as a multiple select list.
    • Email to -The email address to send the email to - presuming 'get email address from' is set to 'defined in email to field'. (can use Placeholders)
    • Email field display - How should the email to field be shown.
    • Subject -The email subject message (can use Placeholders)
    • Hide subject - should the subject field be hidden
    • Message -The email's message (can use Placeholders)
    • Template- PHP or HTML template to use for the email body, instead of the Message field above.
      • Files located in ./plugins/fabrik_list/email/tmpl.
      • HTML template can use Placeholders.
      • See sample.php for an example of how to use PHP templates
      • Takes precedence over the 'content template' option
    • Content template - Joomla article to use as row template. Placeholders can be used
    • Allow attachments -Can the user attach files to the email ?

    Address book​


    • Connection - Fabrik connection containing the 'address book' list
    • List - The 'address book' list
    • Email - Field containing the email addresses
    • Name - Field containing the names associated with the email address.
    • WHERE clause - An SQL "Where" clause which filters the returned data. Don't prepend WHERE.
      Example: if the address book has a field `published`, to show only emails/names with published = 1:

    Merge mail​


    • Merge emails - If yes then all records are merged into one email, (you cant use Placeholders in the title or to fields). Otherwise individual emails are sent out per row. This option is not compatible with the 'select from Elements' setting for get Email Address From option.
    • Message preamble - If using 'Merge emails' you can specify a preamble for your message, which will be inserted before any of the per-row merged message content (which uses the main Message template above). No placeholder replacement is done on this text. Typical use would be to wrap HTML formatting for tables or Lists around merged row content.
    • Message postamble - If using 'Merge emails' you can specify a postamble for your message, which will be inserted after any of the per-row merged message content (which uses the main Message template above). No placeholder replacement is done on this text. Typical use would be to wrap HTML formatting for tables or Lists around merged row content.

    Update rows​


    • Update -If the email is sent for a given row, should we update an element's data for that row?
    • Update value-What value to update the 'update' element to?. You can use some specific strings for some values (enter strings below without quotes):
      • "now()" will update your element with the date/time of the sent email.
      • "{subject}" will update your element with the subject line you entered in the 'E-mail' tab
      • "{$my->id}" will update your element with the ID of the logged in user sending the email
      • "{sent}" and "{notsent}"
      • If the update field above is left blank, you may use an SQL expression here, like "foo = foo + 1" or "foo = CONCAT(foo,'some text')"

    SMS Options​

    • Gateway - SMS gateway being used. These are simple PHP files located in ./components/com_fabrik/helpers/sms_gateways.
    • API Username - Username or API identifier, for example Twilio Account SID, can optionally use per-row Placeholders
    • API Password - API password, key or token, for example Twilio Auth Token, can optionally use per-row Placeholders
    • Sending Number - Valid sending phone number, can use optionally per-row Placeholders