Recent content by EUR-Webmaster

  1. E

    Funding's invoices ?

    If you would state on the website that Company`s needs to pay x euro each year for using the product it might be sufficient to convince the budget holders.
  2. E

    Funding's invoices ?

    A subscription modal is for a company much easier. Then I can say to my boss : "this is the product i need and this is how much it costs' now it is more like 'We already have to product and we could donate'. My boss also have to explain his budget. If he gives donations to 'random guys on the...
  3. E

    Suggestion Element JavaScript options

    I use the element JavaScript to show/hide a elements based on the value of another (dropdown) element. Currently 3 javascripts events are needed for each element that you want to be dynamic: on load on change, to hide on change, to show it again I have some elements with 16 javascripts which...
  4. E

    Mpdf and yesno image

    No, luck. Is there an option to do a find and replace if i can replace the image with a text then is also fine. I think i should place the replace some where in the default.php Update: In the default_group.php line 49 i replaced: echo $this->loadTemplate('group_labels_side'); with: echo...
  5. E

    Mpdf and yesno image

    I`m trying to PDF a form but run into some problems. The debugPDF output show this next line. But the the selected answer is not visible in the pdf (from other elements they are) <img src="" alt="Ja"> According the mpdf documentation it...
  6. E

    csv export does not work any more

    @lorenz I had the same read post #24 Probably it is this bug:
  7. E

    csv export does not work any more

    Great! so the problem is now known? Can i remove the site or do you need it for further testing?
  8. E

    csv export does not work any more

    I switched the clean test site to PHP 5.5.36 but also then no working csv-export from the menu.
  9. E

    csv export does not work any more

    I`ve installed a clean joomla and fabrikar 3.5 with test data and have the same result. :eek: If someone else want to have a look: user and pw: Fabrik PHP 7.0.7 and also on a other webhosting with 5.5.23
  10. E

    csv export does not work any more

    I added the menu item with the normal routine: menus>Add new menu item menu Item Type> Fabrik ? csv name: csvexport (Alias: csvexport-2) select the correct list Url result: index.php?option=com_fabrik&view=csv&listid=26 I noticed that the following template files fails verification so are...
  11. E

    csv export does not work any more

    If you could have a look that would be great! Here is a link with some test data: Since the export button is working on the list page it is maybe that jquery won`t load if there is no content.
  12. E

    csv export does not work any more

    No luck yet, i placed your suggestion at the end of the fabrik.css in the media/com_fabrik/css/ folder it that correct? I have also run a folder sync for the admin,site and media folder. A lot of files where extra on the hosting, those are now deleted. Using a other template for the specific...
  13. E

    csv export does not work any more

    What did you change exactly? I have (kind of) the same problem. (F 3.5, J3.6, yootheme ) If I show a list and use the export button then it works fine. A direct download link in the menu doesn't.
  14. E

    J3.4 fabrik 3.3 export fails (fix)

    Scenario: PHP 5.3.28,Joomla updated to 3.4 fabrik 3.2. export function gives the next error(dutch). Fout: 0 Ongeldige controller: name='index', format='csv' The csv file was present in the tmp folder. So I waited for fabrikar 3.3 but after installation, reinstalling, removing and...