Recent content by juuser

  1. juuser

    Disappearing labels with tooltips

    Removing the line: && Fabrik.bootstrapVersion('modal') >= 3 prevents the error in console, but unfortunately seems not to affect the problem itself.
  2. juuser

    Disappearing labels with tooltips

    Unfortunately it's also not my best expertise :(. Anyway I will also try to investigate more in coming days when I have a bit of time. Just some more info that when the issue happens, it refers to mootools.ext.js in the console and it seems "Fabrik" is not loaded when the bootstrapversion check...
  3. juuser

    Disappearing labels with tooltips

    Yup, it's browser independent and happens also in the back-end. It is easy to replicate with slower connection or simulating slower connection with setting Network Throttling e.g. to Fast 3G in browser console.
  4. juuser

    Disappearing labels with tooltips

    Made some more tests and I can confirm also this: And another issue I noticed is that when you hover your mouse on the label (which has tooltip) right after the form has loaded, the tooltip does not disappear anymore when you "unhover" your mouse. I somehow have a feeling those two things are...
  5. juuser

    Disappearing labels with tooltips

    I can confirm the issue. Haven't had time to troubleshoot, but approximately every 4th or 5th time on form load, first or second element's label is hidden. Occurs with J4/J5 and latest F4. Like @Trembowiecki mentioned, workaround is to add display:block!important; to element labels.
  6. juuser

    Autocomplete dropdown

    Ah, ok, I missed your point. Styling of enhanced dropdowns is just pure css. You can override the css in your form template's custom css file. With the browser inspect tool (right-click on the dropdown element -> inspect) you can see which css-classes / rules you need to override. For testing...
  7. juuser

    Autocomplete dropdown

    From your screenshots I see that both dropdowns visible have enhanced dropdowns enabled. If some don't, check Fabrik global settings. It has options always, per element and none. Maybe you have "per element" selected and in that case you must enable it e.g. in specific databasejoin element...
  8. juuser

    Autocomplete dropdown

    I usually find Chosen (Enhanced) dropdown more user-friendly. You have to enable it in Fabrik global settings. Enhanced dropdowns have a search field in top of the dropdown options.
  9. juuser

    Suggestion to have an "Orchestrator/Decision Engine" like

    Still not totally sure about your desired set-up, but I cannot think of anything built-in that could do that. You can probably build a "rules" table with the "if->then" fields and then in your data tables fetch the values with PHP e.g. in form php plugin and do your desired stuff (e.g. update...
  10. juuser

    Suggestion to have an "Orchestrator/Decision Engine" like

    Not sure I get the idea 100%, but you want to set another element's value based on the first element's value etc? Do you need the element values to update while filling the form or after form submit?
  11. juuser

    pre-check items of form checkbox or picklist

    Assuming the OP uses similar code: $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $db->setQuery('SELECT id, text FROM #__tablename'); $rows = $db->loadObjectList(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $options[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $row->id, $row->text); } return $options; I remember that the JHTML accepted third...
  12. juuser

    pre-check items of form checkbox or picklist

    I think you should be able to do it already within your eval code (didn't test though). Just check if checkbox value is "something". If yes, add "checked" attribute to the checkbox element.
  13. juuser

    Printing sum of row value at the end of the list

    Yes, just enable SUM in element settings (List view settings -> Calculations)
  14. juuser

    [SOLVED] : Repeat Items' rows within the database are inserted out of order

    Did you try to order by your repeat group table id in the list settings?
  15. juuser

    1st Form...where find help, or tutorial...

    Browser inspect tool is your best friend when dealing with CSS. Right click on your table's highlighted row. Find the tr (row) element on the left and on the right see what css is being applied to this element and in which file. In the attached photo you can see the applied css on the right...
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