Recent content by woznyp

  1. woznyp

    Sending new entry via email - benchmark?

    Hi, after few month without Fabrik, recently I'm going to make another project with that great component. I've read few posts on this forum about sending email by Fabrik. I noticed that Fabrik uses Joomla! core functionality to do that task. So here comes my question: did anybody try to send...
  2. woznyp

    Quick question: does pdf generator work?

    troester do you have any suggestions? Can you send a printscreen with your working pdf generator? Do you have last fabrik from github and last joomla?
  3. woznyp

    Multiple 'Group by'

    Hi jack.murphy575 sorry for short break. As I understand your output data is like: menu1 course1 item1 menu1 course1 item2 menu1 course1 item3 menu1 course2 item4 menu1 course2 item5 menu1 course2 item6 If so, you can use calculation element to create custom label as concatenation like...
  4. woznyp

    Bug in the IP Plugin???

    ip starting from 192.x.x.x is usually used in local network, so maybe that is a problem
  5. woznyp

    Should I use databasejoin rendered as checkboxes in this case?

    You may use cascading dropdown element with ajax triggered onchange. E.g. select country from A in B select city from country selected in A in C select street from city selected in B and do it in one form!
  6. woznyp

    Problem width validation element in multi-page mode

    I made the same on my local Fabrik and everything works fine. Please check each group if "Pagination - multi page forms" is set correctly.
  7. woznyp

    Multiple 'Group by' You may prepare database view, and then try to make grouping (ordering)
  8. woznyp

    Quick question: does pdf generator work?

    Windows 7 HP 64bit, last XAMPP with Apache/2.4.7 (Win32) OpenSSL/0.9.8y PHP/5.4.22 I attached phpinfo file
  9. woznyp

    Quick question: does pdf generator work?

    Bootstrap and div don`t work on FF and Chrome - both: front and backend.
  10. woznyp

    Multiple 'Group by'

    Can you send some screenshoots or short video? Did you think about view in mysql?
  11. woznyp

    Problem width validation element in multi-page mode

    get last github (not master but joomla3 make screenshot or short video using CamStudio and give us a link
  12. woznyp

    Date not correct

    Look at the refrenece int mktime ([ int $hour = date("H") [, int $minute = date("i") [, int $second = date("s") [, int $month = date("n") [, int $day = date("j") [, int $year = date("Y") [, int $is_dst = -1 ]]]]]]] ) don`t use date($php_varible) just try single...
  13. woznyp

    Quick question: does pdf generator work?

    My mistake :) I switched from J! 2.5 to 3.x and didn`t notice that special branch for Fabrik 3. --edit But still have problem with PDF
  14. woznyp

    Quick question: does pdf generator work?

    1) installed Joomla 3.2 2) installed Fabrik package from download section from 3) downloaded github and pasted all files to root of Joomla 4) error occured:
  15. woznyp

    Quick question: does pdf generator work?

    I installed last version of Fabrik and dompdf. PDF file is generated by Fabrik but it can`t be read by browser or Foxit Reader.
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