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  1. P

    Sales Force Plugin

    It looks as though table syncing only works with selected standard tables and not with custom tables. Is this correct and if so has anyone done any work with custom table syncing for Fabrik data ? Thanks.
  2. P

    Pre-Filter Queries

    I cannot find an example of a list pre-filter query. I want to filter the list so that only specific values for an element appear. The full element name is tblServicesList2___Location and I want just those records where this field has a value of "Hull". I have tried...
  3. P

    Enter date and time separately, create a DateTime field

    I want to create a form to allow a date and time to be entered as separate fields and the save event to run some php to update a date time field, not visible in the user form. What is the best approach to do this ? Thanks.
  4. P

    Expand the width of a form field

    Is it possible to set the width of a form text box via the user interface or is it necessary to play with the css to achieve this ? Thanks.
  5. P

    Calendar visualization fails to show tables list

    I am unable to see a list of tables from either the J! database or a custom database. Media and Slide show visualization options show tables from the custom database but not the site. None of the other plugins show any table options. Is there a current problem or am I doing something wrong ?
  6. P

    Re-display previous value in form after submission

    I am struggling to find a way to carry-forward a form value from the previous entry when creating new records. So if I am adding several records with the same date I'd like to enter the date on the first record and then see it displayed when I add subsequent records. I am trying to migrate two...
  7. P

    Field Concatenation in Custom Detail Template

    I have successfully created a 'starter' custom detail template by following Rob's video and with some forum guidance. I can retrieve fields from the data group and use html to place data as required. Very encouraging ! However I noticed that if I concatenate two fields with the php ...
  8. P

    Creating a new Details View Template

    I am using Rob's video to try and understand how I can create a custom template to show detailed record information in a layout that I specify. This video removes a lot of code from default.php ( located in a new folder created in /components/com_fabrik/views/form/tmpl ) I am using a copy of...
  9. P

    Removing selector boxes in a list via css

    I have found past posts suggesting .css that targets the correct tag and sets display: none. For example.... .list_5_checkAll {display:none !important;} and #listform_5_com_fabrik_5 th.fabrik_select .heading{ display:none !important; ... but neither of these work. It is the selector in...
  10. P

    Changing font-size and line-height for a specific list

    I've tried to follow the instruction in the wiki Custom Styling a List.. Copied the bootstrap folder in com_fabrik/views/list/tmpl, renamed it bootstrap2 and copied back into the same folder. bootstrap2 now appears as a Front End and Administration layout option. Renamed custom_css_example.php...
  11. P

    Stopping Javascript "Record Saved" popup for Ajaxified List

    I have found the option to suppress the successful save message when Ajax is not enabled - but this option does not have any effect when Ajaxify is set to 'Yes' on the list. How can I stop this pop-up ? Thanks.
  12. P

    Placeholder to show detail view of a record

    What is the format of the placeholder to show all ( or selected ? ) fields in a view - like a form but without the field frames ? Is this what is referred to as a 'details view' in the documentation ? Thanks.
  13. P

    Form suitable for volume input

    The save button on a form clears all the field values, apply retains them all. How can I specify certain fields to repeat and others to be cleared on save ? Also is there any way to remove the pop-up box saying the record is saved - the operator noting that if a certain field is cleared...
  14. P

    PDF error message after dompdf installed with GitHub update

    I get this error when I click the pdf button in IE: Firefox console shows: Chrome just says "Failed to load PDF" Any thoughts ? Thanks.
  15. P

    GitHub Update - lists and forms no longer visible

    I carried out a GitHub update following the Wiki instructions, using ftp and copying the following folders: administrator components fabrik_build libraries media plugins I then went into Extension Manager -> Manage, did a search on Fabrik and selected all objects found. I then clicked...
  16. P

    Database join filter - show different field to join field

    The drop-down filter shows the key value - 5030 . How can I display the LocLegend field from the joined table [ vwCon210(StockLocations) ] shown in the second image ? Thanks.
  17. P

    Validation - is numeric, is currency

    Is the Is Numeric validation plug in still available and, if so, where can it be downloaded ? I tried to use the regular expression validation with /^[0-9]([.,][0-9]{1,3})?$/ as below - but although the validation appears to be set up correctly, every number I enter is rejected. I...
  18. P

    A One to Many Challenge

    I want to show some stock records where a record may have associated pallet details. I have been working through the 1 to Many video tutorial and have replicated what I want to do. Above is the end result very similar I think to the tutorial end product. StockTranID 1943 shows 5 associated...
  19. P

    Sort sequence for a list from an external db MySQL view

    This post ( managed to create a list from a view in an external database by directly editing the fabrik_lists table (db_primary_key) to enter the PK - the Fabrik form throws an error and the key...
  20. P

    Inserting the username into a form content plugin

    This code works in an article.. {fabrik view=form id=4 usekey=ref rowid=XAMC} .. to fill in the form with details for user with username XAMC. I'm trying to modify the article plug-in code to pick up the user name as I do with list pre-filters using {$my->username}. Simply substituting this...