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  1. B

    How to set databasejoin element as readonly?

    Yes it can be done. Just add &listname___elementname=someValue to the link. Works well in my place, and is described in Fabrik wiki somewhere. At least it was in the old version.
  2. B

    How to set databasejoin element as readonly?

    I did set a value for the element in via the address line of the browser. Nevermind i already found the javascript code to disable the dropdown element. Thank you very much.
  3. B

    How to set databasejoin element as readonly?

    cheesegrits: Sorry, the site is only available on my localhost.
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    _reduceDataForXRepeatedJoins() removes join data from repeat group if confirmation plugin is used

    I found that there is a key named 'fabrik_confirmation' in the array $this->_data if the user hits redo confirmation. So I did the following change: In file: components/com_fabrik/models/form.php in line 4091 I changed the line from: if (!in_array($value, $usedkeys) || ($value === ''...
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    _reduceDataForXRepeatedJoins() removes join data from repeat group if confirmation plugin is used

    OK I see. I will try to fix it myself on my installation. I guess i just need to add another condition to fill the usedKeys array that checks if there is the confirmation plugin set for the form.
  6. B

    How to set databasejoin element as readonly?

    I am running the zip. I got my zip from yesterday. The imput field is not visible if the user does not have form view permissions in my case. What property do i need to set with javascript to prevent the user from changing the value of the element?
  7. B

    How to set databasejoin element as readonly?

    Yes i did. Well the element label is visible but the drop down box which shows the value is not. I could use the javascript tab i just do not know which property of that element i need to set to make it read only.
  8. B

    How to set databasejoin element as readonly?

    Thanks for your reply troester. If i set "form view" access to nobody, then i can not see the element anymore in that form. I need to keep the element visible because it holds viable information. I just want to make it read only like it can be done with a regular field element. Can I set it to...
  9. B

    How to set databasejoin element as readonly?

    I have a question: How do i set a databasejoin element as read only in a form? I am using Fabrik 3.0.8.
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    _reduceDataForXRepeatedJoins() removes join data from repeat group if confirmation plugin is used

    I defined a form that uses the confirmation form plugin and a repeating group to represent a 1 to n join between two lists. Pretty basic stuff. I tested the form and added several occurrences of the repeating group. When i hit save, the confirmation plugin shows the details view of all the data...
  11. B

    Template named "tabs" of Fabrik 3.0.8 does not display repeated groups correctly

    Ok i fixed it myself. Copied default template that works with repeat groups and added tabs myself.
  12. B

    Template named "tabs" of Fabrik 3.0.8 does not display repeated groups correctly

    If you choose the template tabs for a form that contains a repeated group then the group is not shown correctly. There are two nested repeat groups where there should be only one. Checked the code of the template and found that the class 'fabrikSubGroup' is created in default.php and in...
  13. B

    Can not manage to edit an original record in database properly

    I am not able to edit a record in the database properly. I keep running into dead ends. I defined a form that contains a database join rendered as dropdown with regions and a cascading dropdown to choose installed devices according the choice of regions. The purpose is to edit information about...
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    Group setting "Show Group" = "Always show as read only" has no effect

    Nevertheless i keep running into dead ends in my project. I will start a new thread.
  15. B

    Group setting "Show Group" = "Always show as read only" has no effect

    I managed to do a workaroud by using a button that redirects to the details view of the form with the selected rowid.
  16. B

    Cascading Drop Down Resets Itself In Repeat Group [Bug]

    Same issue on my site with the latest Github update. I defined a form with a repeating group but my cascading dropdown is not part of that group. Every time a new group is added in the form then the cdd gets a spinner and is reset. Except if the list of groups is empty, then the cdd is not...
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    Group setting "Show Group" = "Always show as read only" has no effect

    I have done some additional testing with the latest patch from github and found that it got something to do with the autofill form plugin. If i access the form with Firefox by using the parameter rowid=XX then the dropdown fields are displayed correctly. If i use the autofill functionlity in the...
  18. B

    Group setting "Show Group" = "Always show as read only" has no effect

    OK i see, i will get the newest github update and redo my test.
  19. B

    Group setting "Show Group" = "Always show as read only" has no effect

    I have installed the githup update that you provided on Friday and did some testing with that group setting "Always show as read only". The group is shown as read only indeed but i have experienced another problem. DatabaseJoin elements that are contained in that group and are rendered as drop...
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