500 error on display of list


Active Member
displaying list of activity scores for a certain activity using:
(this link was built as custom link on score element on 2nd activity 1998 on the url http://www.skyrun.com/skyforce/activities/form/3/714)

get this error.

Unknown column 'sf_score_element.element_id' in 'where clause' SQL=SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT `sf_activity_score`.`id` AS `sf_activity_score___id`,
`sf_activity_score`.`id` AS `sf_activity_score___id_raw`,
`sf_activity_score`.`activity_id` AS `sf_activity_score___activity_id`,
....more fields...
... then the subselect i think is causing the error.
 (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(lookup.label  SEPARATOR '//..*..//') FROM sf_score_element_repeat_type
        LEFT JOIN sf_activity_types AS lookup ON lookup.value = sf_score_element_repeat_type.type WHERE sf_score_element_repeat_type.parent_id = sf_score_element.element_id) AS sf_score_element___type, 
 (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(id SEPARATOR '//..*..//') FROM sf_score_element_repeat_type

seems to be related to the special repeat group tables perhaps...
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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