Adding a record resets displayed items number


Hi, after getting a lot of problems with F3.0 and F3.1 on J2.5 with YOOtheme template, I set up a local J3.1 site with F3.1 and last github.
I now use bootstrap and no more than the demo template.

I get now the following problem when I add elements to a list in frontend.
By default items displayed is set to 10 PER PAGE.
After adding more than 10 items I set the Display number to 100 or ALL.
But when I add a new record, the Display number is set back to 10 and I don't see my added item. I have to set it again (and again) to ALL.

Thanks for help
when I add elements to a list in frontend.
I'm confused by this as adding elements is an administration action, you can't do it in the front end!

After adding more than 10 items I set the Display number to 100 or ALL.
I can't replicate, in Joomla 3.x fabrik 3.1 I view a list, set the # records to show to 100, add an additional record, and the list shows the display num as 100 with the 11 records showing
I'm confused by this as adding elements is an administration action, you can't do it in the front end!
I redevelopped locally in J3.1 & F3.1 my live test app (Contact Form). Then I set, as you adviced it, a front end acces for the Admin (ACL)

I can't replicate, in Joomla 3.x fabrik 3.1 I view a list, set the # records to show to 100, add an additional record, and the list shows the display num as 100 with the 11 records showing
OK, could it be a local problem (I use Uwamp) ?
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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