admin cache


Active Member
How do I turn off caching of data in the admin side of the site? When I add data to a form via list > view data > add I have to clear the cache before I can see the new record. I have the j! cache plugin enabled as well as article cache in global settings.
The issue here is that by enabling the system cache plugin you are telling Joomla to cache per page (based on the page's URI).
This cache is then checked when Joomla initializes - if a page matching the URI is found then that cached page is loaded.

If you disable the system cache plugin then you are asking each component/module to store its cached data.

When we save a record we clear out our component cache, we don't clear out Joomla's page cache.

You will see that Joomla itself behaves in the same manner, if you try to view an article, edit it in the admin and then view it again in the front end the initially cached page is still loaded.

Only once the cached page has expired is the new content queried for and shown in the browser.

If this is not the behaviour you need then turn off the system cache plugin.
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