Calendar viz issues 3.1rc2 and 3.0


Staff member
Tested in 3.0 and 3.1:

List access: add = nobody
Double click on calendar will open the empty record's detail view with error message "Sorry, but you are not authorised to add this record"

After setting Start time/End time (week view options, but this is (correctly) also a day view option) the event is placed totally wrong (it doesn't respect the "missing" hours).

Custom link doesn't replace {rowid} and doesn't add the rowid if not set in the URL.

I would have expected to see my "rowclass" in the event's CSS, too, but it isn't:(.
It would be nice to be able to style the event e.g. depeneding on a status.
I've fixed the add issue and the {rowid} placeholder in 3.1

After setting Start time/End time (week view options, but this is (correctly) also a day view option) the event is placed totally wrong (it doesn't respect the "missing" hours).
could you show an example please?
Default setting (0-24): startend-default.PNG
Setting 8 - 21: start8-end21.PNG

BTW: the event is spanning a bit to far in any case (about 11:15 instead of 11:00)
hmm odd I saw something similar the very first time I loaded my calendar today, but subsequently I can't replicate it ;( I'll keep an eye out to see if it re-appears.
I've fixed the padding issue that was causing the slight offset

It would be nice to be able to style the event e.g. depeneding on a status.
I've added this one now as well.
I get this replicatable in Chrome and FF (tested in 3.1)
JS error
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'getSize' of undefined
In 3.0 the event has an additional offset of 2 hours, not sure if this is wrong pixel calculation or wrong timezone offset (date is stored as local = UTC+2)​
I've included examples (calendar 0-24, calendar 8-21) in MySite. It's 3.0 (I can't see a JS error here) but the same effects as in 3.1
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