CSV export doesn't work after website migration


Dear all,

recently I uploaded from local to internal webserver my joomla project.

Everything worked fine until I tested the CSV export.

Unfortunately, here, with the new webserver, CSV export didn't works! Everytimes the exported CSV is empty and I cannot understand why.

The difference between my local infrastructure is the OS (local -> Win7, internal webserver -> Ubuntu) and that my machine can communicate with internet and the internal webserver is blocked (I can update it manually....)

Does anyone have an idea?

Thanks in advance.

Hi troester,

sure. This was for me an essential step (credential for mysql was changed....).

CSV need some particular configuration on php.ini or apache config?

Maybe use some extension that I didn't enable?

have you checked your PHP error logs to see if they give you any information about a possible error.
Generally there is no specific server requirement for getting the csv export to work
Hi Rob,

I was sure that I've updated the ticket but I was wrong.

Thanks for your support, I checked the error and the problem was in the "tmp" folder that in the new webserver was not writable and then I wasn't able to export in CSV.

I checked/edited the permissions on the "tmp" folder and the problem was solved.

Thanks again

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