date_time elements 'move forward' 6 hours on each save...


Active Member
most likely related to me being 6 hours off GMT (7 but with DST).

happens with default settings for a date element (default UTC and formatting).

from my php settings displayed on joomla:
date/time support    enabled
"Olson" Timezone Database Version    0.system
Timezone Database    internal
Default timezone    UTC
Directive    Local Value    Master Value
date.default_latitude    31.7667    31.7667
date.default_longitude    35.2333    35.2333
date.sunrise_zenith    90.583333    90.583333
date.sunset_zenith    90.583333    90.583333
date.timezone    America/Denver    America/Denver

maybe J3.1 handles time zones differently/better?
should be fixed now
The time format in j3 has changed and that resulted in some changes in the date element. That and I think there was some regression in the logic we were using - mind dates and timezones are horribly complicated to work with!
very close... but found one more use case where it stores the wrong date. if you check off 'always return todays date' (to update the date on each save vs just the first one) it displays GMT (not adjusting for timezone) on first save and subsequent saves.

it doesn't 'skootch' forward by 6, but always displays the wrong time as GMT.
I don't see that - which element is this occurring on. There are so many different wretched options on this element that any one of them might be causing the issue, so i do need to see all of the options to be able to replicate it I think
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